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October 7, 2013
Bt sweet corn can reduce insecticide use
September 17, 2013
Open Days for clients at Pop Vriend Seeds
August 28, 2013
Madison crop breeders work to reduce costs of organic vegetables - Tastier, less expensive sweet corn
July 11, 2013
New label expansions provide Canadian fruit and vegetable growers with advanced crop protection
June 5, 2013
Australian vegetable industry fears realised after Simplot warns of possible closure of two processing plants
May 23, 2013
USA - Southeast growers gain valuable product insights at Seminis field day
March 27, 2013
Italia - Indagine superfici sementi da orto, campagna 2012 Surface for crop seeds has increased by 85% in ten years
February 19, 2013
East-West Seed hosts International Field Day in Thailand - Showcasing new tropical seed technology and innovation to improve crops’ productivity and increase income of farmers
February 15, 2013
February 11, 2013
USA - Fortix fungicide from Arysta LifeScience now registered for corn
January 9, 2013
Clause Vegetable Seeds: Autumn events throughout Europe
November 29, 2012
European vegetable offerings - Open days held in the Netherlands may suggest future varieties for the U.S. (Growing Produce)
November 27, 2012
USA - Growers report high satisfaction with Seminis sweet corn (Delta Farm Press)
November 2, 2012
California - Syngenta expanding Yolo County's seed research (Daily Democrat)
October 31, 2012
Europa - Mehr Zuckermais im Anbau - Weniger Konserven, mehr Frischware eingekauft
October 4, 2012
USDA/NASS releases results of the 2011 Certified Organic Production Survey
September 21, 2012
USA - New efforts to breed sweet corn for Vermont farmers (VTDigger)
August 9, 2012
Variety tests bring best plants to market
August 8, 2012
Crookham Company introduces 'Amaiz-ing' sweet corn (Idaho Statesman)
August 3, 2012
Wal-Mart OK with selling genetically modified sweet corn (Chicago Tribune)
July 23, 2012
Seeds of growth in Idaho's Treasure Valley (HeraldNet)
July 6, 2012
New environmental website for vegetable growers
June 1, 2012
European GM crop area diminishes (AllAboutFeed)
May 7, 2012
New Zealand horticulture exports close to NZ$3.5 billion
April 27, 2012
Embrapa Hortaliças lança novos títulos sobre sementes e pós-colheita
March 27, 2012
Syngenta Canada introduces Voliam Xpress insecticide - Sweet, seed and field corn growers now have a new weapon to fight insect pests
March 22, 2012
U.S. seed developers strive for sweet corn, lettuce advances (The Packer)
March 8, 2012
BNN-Einzelhandel neue Fachhandelsseminar-Reihe: Schwerpunkt Gemüse Saatgut (Frucht Portal)
March 2, 2012
Florida sweet corn growers boast new brand - Promotional campaign in place to push premium, late-maturing varieties to the public (Growing Produce)
February 20, 2012
Weeds and diseases pack one-two punch to sweet corn
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