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June 2, 2014
Österreich: Schädlinge fressen Kürbis- und Maispflanzen (Proplanta)
May 28, 2014
USA - Walnut growers, lettuce growers have more options for disease control
May 27, 2014
Canada - New horticulture crops now benefit from Bayer CropScience's Proline fungicide - New registration offers horticulture growers broad-spectrum disease protection against some of the most devastating crop diseases
May 23, 2014
Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus brochure available
April 25, 2014
Save the date -Tozer Seeds plans for October Pumpkin and Squash trial
March 13, 2014
Latest winning varieties from Seeds By Design (Growing Produce)
February 20, 2014
Mini pumpkin entrepreneurs expand globally (Growing Produce)
December 29, 2013
Texas, USA - Wilhite Seed Company overcomes setbacks in win for small farmers (Culture Map)
October 14, 2013
Schwerster deutscher Kürbis gewinnt Europameisterschaft (Proplanta)
October 2, 2013
Harris Moran Seed Company opens pumpkin fields to local schoolchildren for 11th annual community outreach event
September 18, 2013
Argentina - La facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue presenta el zapallo Don Enzo (Energy Press)
September 12, 2013
International Open Days Clause, Nickerson-Zwaan and Vilmorin in Dirkshorn, The Netherlands, September 24-27, 2013 Open Dagen Clause, Nickerson-Zwaan en Vilmorin 24 t/m 27 september 2013, Dirkshorn (NL)
August 16, 2013
Sakata Seed America shows vegetable varieties (The Packer)
June 13, 2013
Nova abóbora produtiva e crioula é opção para produção agroecológica (Embrapa via AgroLink)
May 3, 2013
USDA Plant Variety Protection Office issues 78 certificates of protection
March 27, 2013
Italia - Indagine superfici sementi da orto, campagna 2012 Surface for crop seeds has increased by 85% in ten years
March 18, 2013
Deutschland - Spargel ist das am häufigsten angebaute Freilandgemüse
February 19, 2013
East-West Seed hosts International Field Day in Thailand - Showcasing new tropical seed technology and innovation to improve crops’ productivity and increase income of farmers
February 15, 2013
January 29, 2013
Frosts hit northwest Mexican vegetable production areas
January 22, 2013
Pumpkin seed bought online for £168 (BBC Suffolk)
January 9, 2013
Clause Vegetable Seeds: Autumn events throughout Europe
October 4, 2012
USDA/NASS releases results of the 2011 Certified Organic Production Survey
October 2, 2012
Harris Moran Seed Company’s Annual Pumpkin Patch opens to local School Children during the month of October to provide Fall Pumpkins & AG literacy
August 29, 2012
European Commission - Common catalogue of varieties of vegetable species — fifth supplement to the 30th complete edition
August 14, 2012
Syngenta enhances cucurbit seed offerings with standard FarMore Technology treatment
August 9, 2012
Variety tests bring best plants to market
May 4, 2012
Vom Winzling zum Giganten - die Wachstumsstadien eines Riesenkürbisses bei Proplanta miterleben (Proplanta)
April 27, 2012
Embrapa Hortaliças lança novos títulos sobre sementes e pós-colheita
Outstanding Seed Company introduces Everett PMRR, a homozygous powdery mildew resistant pumpkin hybrid
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