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October 6, 2023
Bayer Vegetable Seeds introduceert zes nieuwe rassen
September 18, 2023
Succesvolle lancering nieuwe gele paprika-ras Chero van Bayer De Ruiter
September 15, 2023
Unlocking the genetic code of peppers - New study reveals insights into domestication and diversity
September 14, 2023
Unlocking the genetic code of peppers: New study reveals insights into domestication and diversity
September 11, 2023
España - Eglantine arranca la campaña como referente de Vilmorin-Mikado en amarillo (Portagrano)
August 31, 2023
UC Davis' Doctoral student Gen Ha Park named NAPB’s George Washington Carver scholar - Grad student breeds chile peppers for hot, dry climes
July 27, 2023
New method available for SE-RT-qPCR detection of Tomato mottle mosaic virus (ToMMV) in tomato and pepper seeds Nouvelle méthode pour la détection par SE-RT-qPCR de ToMMV sur semences de tomate et piment
July 13, 2023
Italia - Clemente F1, l'ultimo Lamuyo Giallo in casa Nunhems registra apprezzamenti e riscontri positivi da parte di tutti gli operatori della filiera
July 7, 2023
How one tomato company Is targeting taste (Greenhouse Grower)
July 6, 2023
Beans, peppers and alfalfa win UC Davis grants from NIFA - Research deals with labor shortages, offers climate resilience
July 4, 2023
Hot pepper consumption has been positively affected as plant breeding has focused on hotter units (NationWorldNews)
June 23, 2023
Semillas Fitó - Continuamos dando valor al pimiento en la IV Edición de Vitaminate con Pimiento
Argentina - Trabajo interinstitucional para prevenir daños de nuevo virus que puede afectar tomate y pimientos
June 21, 2023
Nova fase da nanoemulsão de cera de carnaúba foca em mercado de pimentão e tomate
June 20, 2023
U.S. Plant Variety Protection Office issues 70 certificates on June 16, 2023
June 19, 2023
Semillas Fitó y Proexport muestran a periodistas el proceso del pimiento en Murcia (eComercio Agrario)
The quest to save chili peppers from climate change - A seed bank in Taiwan is home to more chili varieties than anywhere else on earth - In a warming world, we’re going to need them (The New Yorker)
June 14, 2023
Enza Zaden, Rode paprika Margrethe - De keuze van de telers
June 6, 2023
Noble Seeds’ heat-tolerant chilli hybrid NBH-Lacchi Hot helps Chattisgarh farmers to profit in the sanna market
June 1, 2023
España - Tres californias tardíos de Hazera que apuntan a un buen futuro (Portagrano)
May 24, 2023
Enorme successo per l’evento dedicato alla nuova gamma solanacee di Vilmorin-Mikado Italia a Marina di Ragusa (RG)
Fitó se vuelca en la campaña #VitamínateconPimiento de la región de Murcia (Portagrano)
May 19, 2023
USA - High-quality pepper varieties from Bayer Vegetable Seeds, now available to you! You’ve never seen colors this bright
May 16, 2023
Semillas Fitó continúa potenciando el pimiento (Revista Mercados)
May 15, 2023
BASF analiza el impacto del cambio climático en las plagas y enfermedades del pimiento
May 12, 2023
Semillas Fitó continúa potenciando la campaña #VitaminateconPimiento (AenVerde)
May 9, 2023
España - CapGen presenta en InfoAgro su gama de pimiento ‘Geno Resistente’ (Portagrano)
Enza Zaden - Introductie gele blokpaprika E20B.0480 - E20B.0480 krijgt de naam Levente
May 8, 2023
España - Sakata colabora con proyectos de investigación público-privados
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