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August 6, 2015
Tyrsen F1, il cantalupo retato italiano "perfetto per l'estate"
July 30, 2015
Farmers from all corners of Israel participate in Hazera Seeds' Open Field Day
July 24, 2015
HM.Clause melon varieties in Murcia, Spain - Special export Melon Event 2015 of HM.Clause
July 22, 2015
El pasado Jueves 11 de Junio, Semillas Fitó presentó su novedad en melón piel de sapo: PAREDES, durante una jornada de campo en Lobosillo (Murcia)
July 21, 2015
Bayer CropScience Vegetable Seeds - Encontro de Especialistas - 1ª Mostra Tecnológica para os Mercados Nacionais de Melões e Melancias
Italia - Ortofrutta Castello pienamente soddisfatta di Thesan F1, nuovo Cantalupo retato italiano a marchio Nunhems
July 19, 2015
Sakata Seed America develops new variety, the Infinite Gold LSL melon (And Now You Know)
July 16, 2015
Sakata develops the next big thing in cantaloupes - Infinite Gold melon delivers durability, yield, flavor
Bayer CropScience Vegetable Seeds élargit sa gamme de melons et pastèques Nunhems avec de nouvelles variétés savoureuses pour fidéliser le consommateur Bayer CropScience Vegetable Seeds propone meloni e angurie Nunhems con nuove varietà dai sapori eccellenti capaci di fidelizzare il consumatore
New study reveals genomic architecture of melon genome (Sci-News)
July 13, 2015
Looking to the future of melon and watermelon Blik op toekomst van meloen en watermeloen
July 9, 2015
Spain - New melon and watermelon varieties from Nunhems (Fresh Plaza)
July 8, 2015
Australian Melon Association and Bayer CropScience Australia launch research fund
España - Global Melon & Watermelon Event 2015 - Rijk Zwaan presentará a la cadena nuevas variedades en melón y sandía, los días 8 y 9 de julio de 2015, en su Centro de Investigación "El Arquillo" en Cartagena
July 3, 2015
Nunhems se posiciona en melón y sandía con nuevas variedades de sabor que fidelizan al consumidor New melon and watermelon varieties from Nunhems
July 1, 2015
Cuba - Priorizan recuperación de las producciones de semillas (Radio Rebelde)
June 30, 2015
Celestial F1 a marchio Nunhems, una realtà fra i meloni precoci anche per Coop dell’Op Terre dell’Etruria
June 29, 2015
Enza Zaden opens new research station in Sicily
June 26, 2015
Seminis investe em sementes de melão mais doces
June 24, 2015
USA - Zeal SC miticide from Valent U.S.A. Corporation now registered with liquid formulation - Long-lasting mite control in field corn, cotton and melons
June 17, 2015
España - Syngenta presenta Cidely Top, la solución más eficaz contra oídio y otras enfermedades del melón
June 15, 2015
Brasil - Sakata lança novidades na Hortitec 2015 - Empresa de sementes apresentará seis novas variedades hortícolas durante o evento, além de outros destaques de seu portfólio
June 9, 2015
Peru becomes Turkey's premier source of seed imports (Fresh Plaza)
Tohuma yeni adres Peru (Bugün)
June 4, 2015
En 2014, sólo superada por el conjunto de España, Murcia es el principal proveedor mundial de melón a la UE (Horto Info)
May 28, 2015
Interview with Isabel Díaz, Asset Manager of Cucurbits at Syngenta España: "Piel de Sapo melons still have room for growth" (Fresh Plaza)
May 19, 2015
New flavour model galia melons is now available Nieuw smaakmodel galiameloen in gebruik genomen
May 18, 2015
New flavour model galia melons is now available Nieuw Smaakmodel Galia meloen in gebruik genomen
May 15, 2015
Queensland, Australia - Protocol for seed infected with cucurbit virus is 'suicide': growers (ABC)
April 29, 2015
New melon fruit fly lure developed from pest’s favorite scent
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