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February 5, 2016
Comparativa del año 2014, España, segundo exportador mundial de melón y primer proveedor de la UE (Horto Info)
February 3, 2016
Brasil - Itaueira ampliará fronteiras do melão REI durante a Fruitlogística 2016 (Campo & Negócios)
February 1, 2016
Sakata Seed Ibérica muestra sus curcubitáceas en Sudáfrica (Interempresas)
January 26, 2016
Innovation variétale : Lancement de la gamme FUS-INNOV, gamme de melons résistante à la Fusariose, pendant le SIVAL 2016
January 21, 2016
European Patent Office revokes patent for virus resistant melon Zur Annullierung eines Patents auf bestimmte Melonen
January 20, 2016
European Patent Office revokes a patent held by Monsanto on melons (EP1962578) for technical reasons (EUbusiness)
January 19, 2016
Semillas Fitó - Por décimo año consecutivo estaremos en Fruit Logistica
January 15, 2016
HM.CLAUSE: a line-up for every player in the French vegetable chain HM.CLAUSE : une gamme pour chaque acteur de la filière légumes HM.CLAUSE: una gama para cada actor del sector hortícola en Francia
January 14, 2016
Enza Zaden's melon catalogue: international and local types
January 13, 2016
Functional Genomics and Biotechnology in Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae Crops
December 28, 2015
Use of Adama's Nimitz 480 EC nematicide on tomatoes reinstated with removal of direct-seeding restriction (Growing)
November 22, 2015
Australian Melon Association backs levies for biosecurity, and research and development (The Land)
November 19, 2015
The quest for the perfect vegetable variety (Growing Produce)
November 17, 2015
Syngenta previews vegetable breeding innovations at trial event series
November 6, 2015
La sexualité des cucurbitacées dévoilée
October 13, 2015
$6.5 million grant may lead to disease-resistant cucurbits
October 5, 2015
University of New Hampshire melon research produces higher yields - Experiment Station project aims to improve cold tolerance, disease resistance
September 25, 2015
How predictive models for flavour levels of vegetables and fruits can benefit breeders Rekenmodel voorspelt smaak van groente en fruit: winst voor veredelaars
September 21, 2015
Saint Remy de Provence: Le semencier HM-Clause y étudie le melon de demain (France 3)
September 18, 2015
HM.Clause : 50 years of research in Saint-Rémy de Provence 50 ans du Centre de recherche de Saint-Rémy
September 14, 2015
Cartagena acoge el V Simposio Internacional sobre Cucurbitáceas (Interempresas)
September 4, 2015
Brasil - Promoção de Dia de Campo para melão e melancia em Mossoró - Principais clientes de melão e melancia visitam Estação Experimental de Mossoró
September 1, 2015
Syngenta receives US/EPA registration for breakthrough fungicide Solatenol
A demonstration of strength in Nunhems - Bayer CropScience Vegetable Seeds hosts its annual watermelon and melon field days in Acampo, California
August 24, 2015
EN 2014, España es el mayor productor de melón en la Unión Europea (HortoInfo)
August 19, 2015
Sakata Seed shows vegetable varieties in Salinas, California (The Packer)
August 14, 2015
Syngenta celebrates expansion for seed R&D in Woodland, California (The Davis Enterprise)
USA - Taste is key for cantaloupe breeders, shape for watermelon breeders (Fresh Plaza)
August 10, 2015
Argentina - Más de cinco mil hectáreas sembradas con cucurbitáceas en el interior (El Comercial)
HM.CLAUSE melon varieties in Murcia, Spain - Special export Melon Event 2015 of HM.CLAUSE
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