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July 3, 2019
Bejo na Hortitec 2019 - Mais um ano de sucesso na Hortitec
July 2, 2019
Denomination of new official race downy mildew in lettuce Neue Rasse Bremia lactucae (Bl:36EU) offiziell benannt Denominazione di una nuova razza ufficiale di Bremia lactucae
July 1, 2019
Enza Zaden lettuce varieties resistant to new Bremia race Bl:36EU Enza Zaden Salatsorten mit Resistenz gegen Bremia Bl:36EU Nuestras variedades de lechuga con resistencia total a Bremia Bl:16-36EU Benoeming nieuw Bremia-isolaat Bl:36 in sla
A new race of Bremia lactucae, Bl: 36EU identified and denominated in Europe
Production and quality of lettuce seed as a function of seedling age (Taylor & Francis Online)
June 27, 2019
Italia - Aumenta la produzione idroponica di lattuga in serre semichiuse
Lattuga estiva: campo dimostrativo vicino a Villa Torlonia
June 21, 2019
Neue Bremia Rasse BI:36EU - Enza Zaden Salatsorten mit Resistenz gegen Bremia Bl:36EU
June 19, 2019
Programas de melhoramento buscam resistência ao mildio da alface
June 17, 2019
Topseed Premium lança 11 novas sementes para horticultura profissional na Hortitec - A linha de alta tecnologia é referência no desenvolvimento de novas cultivares para o setor no Brasil
June 14, 2019
Germany - Enza Zaden Salattag Thondorf - Neues für den steirischen Salatanbau
June 13, 2019
Market trends and breeding innovation charting the path for indoor farming
June 10, 2019
Lettuce have it! Machine learning for cr-optimisation
June 3, 2019
Intrexon announces advances in non-browning GreenVenus Romaine lettuce
La tecnica idroponica permette di produrre lattuga in modo sostenibile ovunque nel mondo
Gemüse-Anbau: Salat per Smartphone (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Intrexon announces advances in non-browning GreenVenus romaine lettuce - Non-browning romaine lettuce demonstrates improved shelf life, reducing food waste and is not subject to regulation as a product produced through genetic engineering by the USDA
May 29, 2019
Italia - La lattuga ha successo se si sceglie la varieta' giusta (Fresh Plaza)
Alface Americana Yasmin da Feltrin Sementes – resistência aliada a produtividade
May 27, 2019
Lattuga : Interesse per il campo prova Nu nhems a San Mauro Pascoli
May 20, 2019
USA - Enza Zaden to spotlight new lettuces, endive and Eazyleaf products at its California Field Days at its San Juan Bautista Station June 11-13
May 6, 2019
Silicon Valley robot farm Iron Ox begins selling its first produce (Tech Times)
May 3, 2019
Produtores confirmam qualidade da alface Lucy Brown na região de Rondônia
April 25, 2019
Growing to new heights - While vertical farming offers opportunities for producers to fill niche markets, researchers are still working out some of the kinks
Alface Gabriela da Feltrin Sementes destaca-se pelo seu grande porte e maior tempo de exposição
April 24, 2019
Alface Milena: mais segurança em diferentes épocas e regiões
April 19, 2019
Embrapa lança nova variedade de alface tolerante ao calor
April 1, 2019
USDA Plant Variety Protection Office issues 92 certificates of protection on February 19, 2019
March 26, 2019
Enza Zaden redefines top shelf salad
France - Vilmorin-Mikado organise une journée ''Echanges & Perspectives Salade'' pour présenter sa gamme 2019-2020
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