Yuma, Arizona, USA
June 18, 2010
Gowan Company, LLC has been granted the U.S. crop protection marketing rights for Confirm® 2F Insecticide by Nippon Soda Co. Ltd. and plans to start distributing product in the mid-July timeframe. Nippon Soda Co. Ltd. acquired the brand and its active ingredient – tebufenozide – from Dow AgroSciences on March 31 of this year. As part of this agreement, Dow AgroSciences will sell out exiting inventory prior to the Gowan distribution date.
Confirm® controls a broad spectrum of external Lepidopteran pests across a wide range of crops, including sugarcane, caneberries, cranberries, bushberries, vegetables, nut crops and tree fruit. Key pests controlled by Confirm® include Sugarcane borer, Mexican rice borer, Obliquebanded leafroller, Armyworm, Cranberry fruitworm, Fireworm, Peach twig borer, Codling Moth and Tomato hornworm.
“Confirm® is an excellent product for control of external Lepidopteran pests early in the growing season,” noted Gowan product manager Eric McEwen. “While very effective against target pests, it’s soft on most beneficial species and has a low impact on aquatic organisms. In fact, Confirm® was awarded the prestigious Presidential Green Challenge Award.”
McEwen added that Confirm fits well into integrated pest management (IPM) programs as well as resistance management strategies. “In addition, it’s another sign that Gowan is committed to serving the needs of growers throughout the U.S. with an ever-expanding line of proven crop protection products.”