United Kingdom
May 17, 2018
The new varieties have been added to the 2018/2019 Recommended Grass and Clover Lists (RGCL) which was launched at the Grassland UK event at the Bath & West showground on 10 May and Royal Welsh Grassland event in Powys on 16 May.
The varieties:
Agaska - Intermediate perennial ryegrass diploid
Good total annual yield under simulated grazing management, with very good early spring and good early summer growth. Good total annual yields under conservation management, with good second, third and fourth cut yields. Limited data shows good winter hardiness. Excellent resistance to crown rust, with limited data showing very good resistance to mildew
Bowie - Late perennial ryegrass diploid
Excellent total annual yield under simulated grazing, with excellent growth from early summer through to autumn. Good total annual yields under conservation management, with excellent first cut D value in the first harvest year and excellent second, third and fourth cut yields. Limited data shows very good resistance to mildew
Nashota - Late perennial ryegrass tetraploid
Excellent total annual yield under simulated grazing, with excellent growth for early grazing as well as in spring and early summer. Excellent total annual yields under conservation management, with excellent first and fourth cut yields, and good second and third cut yields. Excellent ground cover under grazing management, with good ground cover under conservation management and excellent resistance to crown rust.
Thegn - Late perennial ryegrass tetraploid
Excellent first conservation cut D value in the first harvest year, with excellent third and fourth cut yields. Excellent total annual yield under simulated grazing with excellent late summer growth. Good ground cover under both conservation and simulated grazing management. Limited data shows good winter hardiness. Good resistance to crown rust, with limited data showing good resistance to mildew.
Perseus - Festulolium
Good total annual yields in the second and third harvest years, with good yields in the year of sowing. Good first conservation cut yield in the first harvest year. Excellent crown rust resistance, very good resistance to ryegrass mosaic virus and good resistance to mildew
The 2018/2019 RGCL handbook and the full lists for merchants is available to download from britishgrassland.com