Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
February 27, 2018
Yield results for 2017 are in and growers who want to add nearly 4-plus bu/A to their soybean yield can again turn to a proven, convenient solution: seven years of independent testing with universities and third-parties across U.S. soybean-growing states show ILeVO® seed treatment increases yield by 4.6 bu/A on average.
What this data tells us is ILeVO seed treatment protects seeds from the moment they are planted, so growers can plant earlier in the season with less risk of Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) and Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) damage.
More than 355 SDS trials between 2011-2017 showed an average yield increase of 4.6 bu/A when seed was protected with ILeVO over seed treated with only a fungicide/insecticide base treatment. Yield increases were higher in fields with heavier levels of disease pressure and a history of SDS. In fields where SDS pressure was minimal, ILeVO still provided an average yield increase of more than 2 bu/A. Across the seven years, trial results indicate an 84 percent positive response rate across varying levels of pressure from SDS and SCN.
"These trial results show ILeVO provides consistent performance year-to-year across different environmental conditions," said Nick Tinsley, Bayer SeedGrowth technical service representative. "Even when we have years with lighter SDS pressure, the yield benefit from nematode protection is still present."
"Growers who adopt ILeVO increase their opportunity for yield when faced with different levels of pressure from nematodes and SDS, which raises their profit potential," added Melissa Chu, Bayer SeedGrowth product manager.
Dr. Martin Chilvers, plant pathologist at Michigan State University, conducted test plot trials in 2017. In addition to a yield advantage, he also saw a suppression of SCN reproduction.
"We ran around 30 SCN and SDS test plot trials and saw a 5 bu/A yield benefit with ILeVO over a base treatment," Chilvers said. "In fields where SDS was lighter, we still saw about a 2 bu/A yield advantage."
More information on how to use ILeVO as a proactive risk-management tool to combat SDS and SCN and increase your earning potential, is available from your Bayer representative, your local retailer and online at
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