Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
February 26, 2018
Bayer has released results from 500 Delaro™ field trials that took place across 20 states. Across two years of trials, Delaro averaged a 12 to 18 bushel-per-acre increase in corn and a four to five bushel-per-acre increase in soybeans compared to an untreated check. In these trials, Delaro had a 90 percent win rate over the untreated check.
Beau Morris, a grower from Stewardson, Ill., participated in a Delaro field trial, and the results convinced him to use Delaro again for the 2018 crop year. "I saw an eight bushel per acre increase with Delaro on soybeans, compared to untreated acres," said Morris. "That's huge in soybeans. During the season you could see a noticeable difference in the areas treated with Delaro. The plants were much greener, and we didn't have the dropped leaves or pods we had in the untreated acres. Honestly, Delaro is my preferred soybean fungicide right now."
In addition to the yield advantage, Randy Myers, product development manager noted that Delaro performed consistently in the trials. "The 90 percent win rate Delaro has over the untreated check is a great illustration of the consistent performance Delaro provides," Myers said. "In fact, across weather conditions and geographies, this is the highest win rate I have seen on corn and soybeans in my 30-plus years in the industry."
Delaro has almost three times the level of active ingredient triazole than Stratego® YLD. This allows for broad-spectrum residual activity from dual modes of action. With Delaro, growers have protection from day one through the end of the spray interval, leading to more consistent performance and better yields.
In areas that saw high disease pressure, many trial participants observed broad-spectrum disease protection from both preventive and curative activity against yield-robbing diseases like northern corn leaf blight and southern rust. Delaro also provided suppression of white mold on soybeans, unlike most other fungicides currently on the market.
Plant health benefits of Delaro helped many of the treated corn and soybean acres in the trials handle stress better and increased yields, which is why Myers says growers who typically take a "wait-and-see" approach to fungicide applications should consider making Delaro part of their 2018 plans.
"In tough market conditions, growers are looking to get the most out of their corn hybrids and soybean varieties," said Myers. "These trials show that fungicides do more than just protect against disease. A planned Delaro application can help provide growers with a return on investment in the form of improved yields."
Delaro is available for the 2018 growing season. Learn more at
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