United Kingdom
November 16, 2017
Offering plantain as an option in its most popular herbage seed mixtures gives livestock farmers an added opportunity to boost homegrown protein production, says forage specialist Germinal.

The market–leading plantain variety Tonic is available in a number of Germinal’s latest mixtures, including their biggest selling Aber HSG 3 Long Term Grazing, as well as in the company’s multi–species leys.
“Plantain is a broad–leaved perennial forage herb that produces high yields of palatable dry matter rich in protein and key minerals,” said Germinal GB’s National Agricultural Sales Manager Ben Wixey at AgriScot. “It is particularly well suited to rotational grazing systems, providing rapid regrowth post–grazing. It’s strong and substantial root structure makes it particularly tolerant of drought conditions and Tonic is known to have a diuretic effect that firms up the dung and reduces dagging as a consequence.
“Tonic is currently the outstanding variety available, having been widely researched and with proven ability to boost liveweight gain in lambs or beef cattle and milk production in dairy cows. It is particularly beneficial for supporting milk production in ewes in the spring and, due to its palatability, offers lambs an early opportunity to develop rumen function.”
More details on plantain and its availability are included in Germinal’s Forage Seed 2018 catalogue, and details on how to establish and utilise plantain can be found online in the guide ‘Getting the most out of Plantain’ at www.g-source.org.