September 10, 2017
Rps1k gene with very good PRR field tolerance is one of the benefits for this 2700-2750 CHU, RR2Y variety. With R3 for SCN in addition, this would be a great variety on the lighter soils with higher fertility. Medium height, mid-bushy plant type with excellent standability.
PRO 03X74
A 2600-2650 CHU Xtend bean with strong performance in moderate to poorly drained soils. White mould built into background. Adaptable to all row widths. Best performance will be on the highly productive soils where white mould and PRR may be an issue.
PRO 03X73N
A mid-bushy, 2600-2650 CHU Xtend variety that stands well. Does well in fertile lighter soils in conventional tillage. Great disease package with SCN protection.
PRO 07X76N
Tall, mid-bushy, 2725-2775 CHU Xtend variety with excellent emergence. Great for reduced tillage and heavier soil conditions. Great early spring vigour. Ideal for SCN fields in no-till situations.
PRO 17X73N
Medium height 2900-2950 CHU Xtend variety that stands well. Consistent yield across all environments. Good all round bean with good white mould tolerance. Great PRR disease resistance and SCN resistance.
PRO 18X76N
Good early season vigour in this 2950-3000 CHU Xtend variety. Prefers wide rows and reduced tillage. Moderately resistant to Brown Stem Rot. Tall, mid-bushy variety with SCN resistance.
PRO 22X76N
This tall, slender 3000-3050 CHU Xtend variety stands well in heavier soils in narrow rows. It can move to lighter soils with it’s good white mould tolerance. It has SCN resistance and moderate resistance to SDS and Brown Stem Rot.
PRO 26X76N
This 3225-3275 CHU Xtend variety will prefer sticking to the heavier soils and narrow rows. It has an impressive yield, even when pushed on the tougher soils. It has a nice disease package which includes SCN resistance and moderate resistance to Brown Stem Rot and SDS.