Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
August 30, 2017
Innovation to fall and spring burndown programs is now reality with the announcement by Dow AgroSciences that Elevore™ herbicide has received federal registration by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
When tank-mixed with glyphosate and/or 2,4-D, Elevore can be applied up to 14 days before planting in corn and soybeans for thorough control of high-anxiety weeds, including marestail up to 8 inches tall. Labeled for use prior to planting soybeans, corn and cotton, Elevore is now available for farmers to use in the 2018 spring burndown season.
“Unlike many other burndown herbicides, Elevore elevates a farmer’s program by preventing regrowth of emerged weeds,” says Jon Doran, portfolio marketing leader, Dow AgroSciences. “In field trials conducted by Dow AgroSciences over several years, Elevore provided excellent activity on marestail at various heights, including 8 inch tall marestail. We have also seen consistent control across a wide range of geographies.”
Powered by Arylex™ active, a new Group 4 growth regulator, field trials show Elevore™ herbicide effectively controls labeled broadleaf weeds, including glyphosate- and ALS-resistant marestail, lambsquarters, cutleaf evening primrose and henbit.
The low use rate of one ounce per acre makes Elevore an excellent fit in reduced- and no-till production systems for burndown applications before planting. Elevore can be applied with a farmer’s current burndown program in spring or fall in various climate conditions, including cooler temperatures.
Matt Stagg, a farmer from Bunkie, Louisiana, is impressed with the weed control he experienced in a 5-acre field trial using Elevore conducted on his farm in 2016.
“We had a range of weeds and various sizes of marestail present in the field trial,” says Stagg. “Adding Elevore to our current protocols definitely gave the other products an edge on knocking it down. I also see incorporating a burndown protocol using Elevore and coming back with a preemerge herbicide application as a strong resistance management program. Every year, preemerge herbicides are becoming more of a need as resistance continues increasing.”
Elevore herbicide contains Arylex active and is a novel class of herbicides that acts through a synthetic auxin mechanism to control broadleaf weeds in burndown. Absorbed mainly through leaves, shoots and roots of plants, Arylex active is translocated through the plant for effective control. Although Arylex active is not considered a new mode of action, it does have unique binding affinity that is different from other auxin herbicides such as 2,4-D.
“Visual signs of control aren’t immediately apparent because Arylex active is absorbed by the plant’s cells where the herbicide binds with specific auxin receptors in the cell’s nucleus,” says Jeff Ellis, Ph.D., field scientist, Dow AgroSciences. “The delayed response is due to the gradual, albeit complete, absorption process. Once absorbed by the plant’s nucleus, Arylex active halts growth and the plant dies, providing complete control.”
For more information, visit or contact your retailer or Dow AgroSciences sales representative.
Trials conducted in the Midsouth show thorough control of marestail. The above photo was taken 21 days after an application of Elevore, Surveil® herbicide and glyphosate.