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United Kingdom - Launch of 2017 Grass and White Clover Recommended List

United Kingdom
March 22, 2017

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD, yesterday officially launched the 2017 Recommended List of Grass and White Clover Varieties. 

Diarmuid Scannell, Briege Corkery, Minister of Agriculture Michael Creed, Michael Bateman and Dermot Campion, Germinal Ireland General ManagerDiarmuid Scannell, Briege Corkery, Minister of Agriculture Michael Creed, Michael Bateman and Dermot Campion, Germinal Ireland General Manager

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine carries out the national Crop Variety Evaluation Programme with new crop varieties of the principal crop species evaluated for suitability for cultivation in Ireland. Only crop varieties that offer superior performance over existing varieties for Irish farmers are approved and published in the annual Recommended List of Varieties. This national programme run by the Department and involving extensive testing and trialling of varieties is  one of the reasons why the evaluation programme here receives such strong support from both industry and breeders alike and provides farmers with varieties ideally suited to Irish conditions.

Speaking on a visit to the farm of Cork farmer, Michael Bateman, Crookstown, Macroom, Minister Creed said:

“Grass is central to our efficient dairy and livestock systems and it is essential for the continued competitiveness of the sector that farmers have access to the newest high performing grass varieties. It is particularly appropriate that in this the designated Year of Sustainable Grassland that the Recommended List of Grasses and Clovers contains essential information for farmers on the economic value of grass as indicated by the Pasture Profit Index.”

DAFM 2017 Irish Recommended List

Pasture Profit Index 2017

More news from: Germinal Seeds GB

Website: https://www.germinal.com/

Published: March 23, 2017

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