Oslo, Norway and Monheim, GErmany
February 20, 2017
N-Sensor® ensures that the right and optimal rate of fertilizer is applied at each individual part of the field.
Bayer and Yara International ASA (Yara) have entered into a software collaboration and technology license agreement to provide farmers worldwide with digital farming tools that help increase farm productivity, profitability and sustainability. The purpose is to develop new digital farming solutions as well as to increase the use of existing nitrogen application technology including the proven N-Sensor™ (http://www.yara.co.nz/crop-nutrition/Tools-and-Services/n-sensor/) and mobile imaging technology including the ImageIT™ (http://yara.com/media/apps/imageit/).
Under this agreement, Yara will grant Bayer access to its mobile imaging technology to determine the nutrient status and needs of plants with a smartphone application and Yara will provide Crop Nutrition recommodations. This will further assist farmers worldwide to produce crops more efficiently.
"Farming around the world can become more efficient and sustainable. This cooperation will be important in helping meet these targets for small holder farmers in Africa and Asia as much as for larger growers in the Americas and Europe" said Tobias Menne, Head of Digital Farming at Bayer.
"To speed up the development of our digital sensing technology, we seek partnerships which will help us leverage our strong market presence within crop nutrition. This collaboration will make us better positioned to support farmers in improving the crop performance by integrating digital solutions into their farm management, " said Pål O. Stormorken, Head of Application & Crop Management Systems at Yara.
Bayer: Science For A Better Life
Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the Life Science fields of health care and agriculture. Its products and services are designed to benefit people and improve their quality of life. At the same time, the Group aims to create value through innovation, growth and high earning power. Bayer is committed to the principles of sustainable development and to its social and ethical responsibilities as a corporate citizen. In fiscal 2015, the Group employed around 117,000 people and had sales of EUR 46.3 billion. Capital expenditures amounted to EUR 2.6 billion, R&D expenses to EUR 4.3 billion. These figures include those for the high-tech polymers business, which was floated on the stock market as an independent company named Covestro on October 6, 2015. For more information, go to http://www.bayer.com.
Yara: Knowledge Grows
Yara's knowledge, products and solutions grow farmers', distributors' and industrial customers' businesses profitably and responsibly, while protecting the earth's resources, food and environment. Its fertilizers, crop nutrition programs and technologies increase yields, improve product quality and reduce the environmental impact of agricultural practices. Yara’s industrial and environmental solutions improve air quality by reducing emissions from industry and transportation, and serve as key ingredients in the production of a wide range of goods. Founded in 1905 in response to emerging famines in Europe, Yara today has a worldwide presence, with close to 16,000 employees and sales to more than 150 countries. http://www.yara.com.
Landwirte profitieren von Lizenzvereinbarung zwischen Bayer und Yara
Bayer und das norwegische Unternehmen Yara International ASA haben einen Softwarekooperations- und Technologielizenzvertrag geschlossen. Im Rahmen der Vereinbarung sollen Landwirte weltweit durch den Einsatz digitaler Technologien dabei unterstützt werden, produktiver, profitabler und nachhaltiger zu wirtschaften. Ziel der Vereinbarung sind die Entwicklung neuer Lösungen im Bereich digitale Landwirtschaft sowie der verstärkte Einsatz bereits bestehender Stickstoff-Anwendungstechnologien. Hierzu zählen unter anderem der bewährte N-Sensor™ (http://www.yara.de/pflanzenernaehrung/tools-und-services/n-sensor/) und Imaging-Anwendungen für das Smartphone wie etwa ImageIT™.
Der Vertrag sieht vor, dass Yara Bayer Zugang zu seiner Mobile-Imaging-Technologie gewährt. Mit dieser lässt sich die Nährstoffversorgung und der Nährstoffbedarf von Pflanzen per Smartphone ermitteln. Yara wird Landwirten darüber hinaus Nährstoff-Empfehlung für einen optimalen Anbau geben. Dies wird Landwirten weltweit helfen, effizienter zu produzieren.
"Die Landwirtschaft kann weltweit effizienter und nachhaltiger werden. Diese Zusammenarbeit kann einen großen Betrag dazu leisten, dass Kleinbetriebe in Afrika und Asien ebenso wie landwirtschaftliche Großbetriebe auf dem amerikanischen und europäischen Kontinent diesem Ziel näher kommen", erklärte Tobias Menne, der den Bereich Digital Farming bei Bayer leitet.
"Um die Entwicklung unserer digitalen Sensortechnologie zu beschleunigen, sind wir auf der Suche nach Partnerschaften, mit denen wir unsere starke Marktpräsenz in der Pflanzenernährung ausspielen können. Dank dieser Kooperation werden wir den Landwirten besser helfen können, durch die Einbindung digitaler Lösungen in ihre Betriebsführung höhere Ernteerträge einzufahren", sagte Pål O. Stormorken, Leiter Application & Crop Management Systems bei Yara.