The Netherlands
December 21, 2016
Being a phytopathologist means being a specialist in your company. As a phytopathologist you add a high value to the organisation you work for, but how do you keep up with the latest innovations? How are you challenging yourself to remain creative? How do you cope with all the challenges that are associated with your function?
Within Plantum, the working group ‘Isolaten Beheer’ cooperates with Naktuinbouw to maintain a collection of reference plant pathogens for resistance testing and to make these available. In 2017 the working group and Naktuinbouw will organise a workshop entitled ‘Challenges of Phytopathologists working in the Seed Industry’. We hope that this workshop will enable phytopathologists working for companies or research institutes to gain knowledge on specific topics and meet the phytopathologists of other organisations.
Participation to the workshop is free, but registration before 15 March is required. The maximum number of participants is 60. If this number is exceeded, there will be a maximum number of participants introduced for each company. The workshop will be in English.
The agenda is can be found here.
- Subject: Challenges of Phytopathologists working in the Seed Industry
- Date: Wednesday 22 March 2017
- Time: 9.00 – 17.30 hours
- Location: Naktuinbouw, Sotaweg 22, Roelofarendsveen
We hope to see you at the workshop!
On behalf of the organisation committee
Vincent Thomas, Bayer
Diederik Smilde, Naktuinbouw
Thijs Simons, Plantum