New Zealand
November 25, 2016
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has issued an amendment to the import health standard (IHS) 155.02.05 Seeds for Sowing under section 24A of the Biosecurity Act (1993). The IHS, dated 25 November 2016, replaces the earlier version of the standard dated 09 October 2016. The revised IHS can be downloaded here:
The following changes have been incorporated in this amendment to the IHS:
a) under Zea mays: The schedule currently reads “treated with one of the fungicide combinations in MPI approved treatments (refer to Part 2.83.3)”. The statement should instead refer to section 2.82.3 Approved treatments.
The schedule has been amended to allow onshore testing for all quarantine pests and diseases specified in the pest list, if testing cannot be provided offshore.
A hyperlink for the Protocol for testing for the presence of Genetically Modified Plant Material and for the webpage for all the GMO requirements for seeds for sowing was added to the schedule to facilitate its use and clarity of requirements by all stakeholders.
b) under Triticum:
The schedule currently reads “treated with one of the fungicide combinations in MPI approved treatments (refer to Part 2.77.2)”.
The statement should instead refer to section 2.76.2 Approved treatments.
c) under Lavandula:
The schedule currently reads “Import permit: Required”.
The statement should instead reads “Import permit: Not Required”.
d) Appendix 3: Declaration Form was amended to facilitate its use by the importers.
Additional information about importing seeds for sowing can be found on the MPI website:
Importing seeds for sowing
Questions related to this amendment should be directed to:
Plant Germplasm (Imports) team
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526