Centor Oceania at APSA in Incheon, South Korea
October 21, 2016
Based in Australia, Centor Oceania is the primary seed applied products research
and development arm of the Centor Group. Developing seed applied coating
products for film coating, encrusting and pelleting.
Centor Oceania is pleased to announce our attendance at this year’s APSA,
7 – 11 November. We can be located at booth # 52, 53, 54 & 57 where we will be
sharing with one of our Centor partners – Centor Thai.
Our polymer specialist, Ian Perryman will be on‐site to discuss all products or
solve any coating issues you may have, so feel free to visit and ask questions.
Centor Thai will also have their own dedicated experts on hand to cover areas
such as seed coating machinery, drying and storage technologies, analytical and
much more.
If you would like to make an appointment to discuss your polymer requirements,
please email info@centoroceania.com
Keep up to date on new products and news by visiting www.centoroceania.com
or like us on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/centoroceania
More news from: Centor Oceania
Website: http://www.centoroceania.com/ Published: October 21, 2016 |