Brookings, South Dakota, USA
October 17, 2016
When making 2017 seed purchasing decisions, it's important to keep track of field history and think about your future crop rotation.
"Many seed suppliers have already begun promoting 'early bird' incentives on next year's seed purchases. We all like a good deal when we see one, however, when it comes to seed purchases, don't buy on impulse. There are several things to consider," said Sara Berg, SDSU Extension Agronomy Field Specialist.
Checking Field History
With the lag in grain markets over the past several months, growers might be considering a change to their field rotation by adding a crop or maybe they would like to try out cover crops.
"This may be a great choice for the agronomics of your farm, but don't forget to double check your field history before selecting a cover crop," Berg said.
Rotation Restrictions
Many herbicides have rotation restrictions following application; if a product has a restriction, it is always stated on the label.
For example, adding oats as a third crop to an existing corn/soybean rotation is great from a soil health and diverse plant environment aspect, but if a fomasafen product (Flexstar®) was sprayed the previous season, there is an 18-month rotation restriction before oats should be planted.
"A failure to realize this before an oat crop is planted could be disastrous," said Gared Shaffer, SDSU Extension Weeds Field Specialist.
The same caution should be taken if a change in herbicide program occurs as well.
Other Considerations
Of course many other factors should go into making rotation or chemical program changes such as potential for disease, insect pressure, fertility needs, soil health, grazing impacts or restrictions, and of course, marketing and economics.
Photo courtesy of R. Klein, et al. (Nebraska Extension). Atrazine injury on oat. Browning starts on older leaves at the leaf tip and progresses toward the stem.