Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
October 14, 2016
On October 14, 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) re-established the registration of products containing sulfoxaflor (Isoclast® Active), including Transform® WG, Closer® SC and Sequoia® insecticides.
“U.S. growers have used Isoclast for four full years with excellent performance and no reported adverse effects,” says Phil Jost, Dow AgroSciences U.S. insecticides marketing leader. “We’re delighted that EPA responded to grower needs. This registration allows for uses on potatoes, pome fruit, stone fruit, grapes, tree nuts, lettuce and wheat. All previous Isoclast crop tolerances/MRLs remain in place.
Dow AgroSciences brands affected by the re-established registration include Transform, Closer and Sequoia.
“Sequoia is a key product for insect management in leafy vegetables,” states John Palumbo, Extension entomologist, University of Arizona. “With the return of the registration, we are now able to control important sucking insect pests more effectively.”
Recognizing the pressing needs of its customers, Dow AgroSciences also continues to work diligently with the EPA for expanded product use in other important crops. Certain states are seeking FIFRA Section 18 Specific Emergency Exemption for crops not covered on this renewed label for Transform and other products containing Isoclast, and those efforts will continue at the states’ discretion, to address grower needs.