Ireland - Grazing reseeds to promote tillering
September 13, 2016
A lot of reseeding has taken place across the country this autumn. At this stage we hope most seed is now in the ground. Management of the new reseed now is critical to get the most out of the sward in the coming years.

Firstly, walk the reseed frequently to ensure it is progressing as expected and is not being attacked by pests. If you notice a problem a quick reaction is critical. Weed control is also vital, once you can travel the ground. Docks and chickweed can be a problem and are best controlled at the seedling stage rather than letting them advance. Once docks grow a long taproot they are much more difficult to control. Chickweed will grow at cooler temperatures than grass and if left unchecked it will smother out the grass and kill the grass plants. Apply an appropriate herbicide before the first grazing once the weeds are at the correct stage of growth.
Getting that first grazing off a new reseed is crucial to help tillering of the sward. Grass reseeds should be grazed once the plants can withstand the pull test – pull the grass to mimic a grazing animal, if you pull the roots, give it a bit longer before grazing, if the leaf breaks off, its ready for grazing. Ideally, graze about 6 weeks following sowing, depending on growth. If you don’t get a grazing now the sward will not be well tillered next spring, so an early grazing is important for good sward establishment.
More news from: Germinal Seeds GB
Website: Published: September 13, 2016 |
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