New results confirm that Elsoms Seeds’ hybrid rye has highest performance consistency
United Kingdom
August 10, 2016
Results recently published from 3 different sources demonstrate that Saaten Union and Elsoms Seeds’ hybrid rye varieties offer the best performance consistency, even in a difficult year. SU PERFORMER, SU COSSANI, SU SANTINI and SU DRIVE were amongst varieties tested in independent German trials, in Elsoms trials across the UK and in individual farmer reports.
Elsoms hybrid rye trials in 2015
Independent trials, Elsoms trials and farmer reports show:
SU PERFORMER has the highest potential yield of any variety in the UK and European marketplace
SU COSSANI has exceptional all round disease resistance
SU SANTINI will outperform other varieties in harsh, drought prone, dry conditions
Saaten Union, backed up by innovative breeding research from Hybro, now have 53% market share in the Hybrid rye market in Germany, the largest hybrid rye producign country in the world (2014-2015). This is testament to the specialist innovative plant breeding and outstanding portfolio of genetics that Saaten Union have been developing over the last few years. What's more, the standard is raised still further each year with the addition of new Saaten Union varieties onto the Descriptive List.
Best Hybrid Rye Varieties for the UK
Elsoms Energy Crop Manager, Heather Ayre, and Dr Richard Jennaway, Saaten Union's UK Technical Director, work closely with Saaten Union's Bio Energy Division to ensure that the best varieties are selected for the UK.
The hybrid rye breeding programme incorporates Turbo Technology, a successful technique that reduces ergot contamination without compromising yield, and this has helped significantly in the breeding of the superb varieties that we are now able to offer in the UK.
Benefits of Using Hybrid Rye:
Impressive performance in all areas of the UK whilst maize can only be successfully grown in limited areas
Excellent crop for drought-prone or lighter soils due to the deep root sytem
Hybrid rye is a low input/high output crop
Significant improvement in performance of AD Plants when Hybrid rye and energy beet are included in the energy crop programme
Easily established in late Autumn and harvested in June leaving time to prepare land for the following crop
The early summer harvest allows time for a catch crop or even for double cropping
The long growing period and early summer harvest avoid variablity in yield and quality that can cause problems in shorter maize growing periods
More information about hybrid rye recommended rotations, agronomy information and our varieties specifically selected for the UK is available on the Hybrid Rye page