Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
August 2, 2016
Quelex™ herbicide from Dow AgroSciences is now registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), providing wheat growers a new solution for advanced broadleaf weed control, including resistant biotypes. With crop rotation flexibility and a broad range of application options, Quelex offers growers the freedom to customize their weed management programs for optimum success.
“Quelex offers two modes of action and a new active ingredient, Arylex active, the first member of a new chemical family of Group 4 herbicides,” says Greg Webster, U.S. cereals herbicide product manager, Dow AgroSciences. “Arylex active will help wheat growers effectively manage ALS- and glyphosate-resistant weeds without compromising crop rotation flexibility.”
Quelex controls broadleaf weeds, including henbit, shepherdspurse, flixweed and other mustards. For growers who value rotational flexibility, Quelex combines outstanding weed control with short-term residual activity that allows for more cropping options.
“How you manage your crops can impact what goes into the ground next season,” says Chad Cummings, field scientist, Dow AgroSciences. “With Quelex, growers can keep wheat fields clean while maintaining rotational freedom to capitalize on market opportunities or simply to break the wheat-on-wheat cycle.”
Quelex™ herbicide, with new Arylex™ active, is a low-use-rate herbicide. Growers can apply Quelex in fall or spring without concern that warm or cold temperatures will affect weed control. Quelex is tank-mix-compatible with other herbicides, such as PowerFlex® HL herbicide, for cross-spectrum control and with UAN in cost-effective weed-and-feed programs.