Grieskirchen, Austria
May 1, 2016
After more than 30 years in the company, 25 of which as Managing Director at the globally successful Austrian Agricultural Technology company, Klaus Pöttinger hands over his management role and passes on his area of responsibility on 31 July 2016.
In their recent meeting, the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of the enterprise have nominated three new members of the Executive Board. Together with Heinz Pöttinger, they will shape the future development of the innovative agricultural technology manufacturer. The designated members of the Executive Board are experienced members of the management team. With all their commitment and dedication, they will continue the successful way of the company.
The new Executive Board: (from left to right) Heinz Pöttinger, Jörg Lechner, Gregor Dietachmayr, Markus Baldinger
Heinz Pöttinger who has been successfully managing the enterprise together with his brother Klaus for two and a half decades, continues in his role as Managing Director and will act as Chairman of the Executive Board. Moreover, he will be responsible for HR and Finance and Accounting.
Gregor Dietachmayr has been appointed as member of the Executive Board and will be responsible for sales and marketing. Jörg Lechner assumes the responsibility for all production affairs in all three production plants (Grieskirchen, Bernburg and Vodnany) and the entire purchasing process. Markus Baldinger will be responsible for Research and Development.
„In the next months I will pass on my responsibilities to Jörg Lechner and Markus Baldinger. Both have been experienced and hands-on members of the management team who are familiar with challenges in the industry. With all their expertise and innovation power, they will further advance the technological development of Pöttinger", says Managing Director Klaus Pöttinger.
Klaus Pöttinger can successfully look back to major milestones in the development of the company: examples include the implementation of the lean production philosophy, the internalisation of the production process, the introduction of state-of-the art testing procedures in the Technology and Innovation Center (TIZ) in Grieskirchen Austria and the development of a technologically advanced product portfolio.
„I do perceive the success story of the ‘Pöttinger improvement process’ (PVP) with extraordinary joy. Since the implementation of this programme in 1997, more than 50,000 suggestions have helped to create a unique culture and excellent products“, Klaus Pöttinger sums up contently.
Even though the market and industry conditions are very challenging currently and the agricultural sectors exhibits a low willingness to invest in the light of low prices for agricultural goods, there are growth opportunities for the Upper Austrian family enterprise.
The new Executive Board is looking forward to taking up the challenge to continually develop the enterprise in all facets, most importantly to stimulate growth through further internationalisation.
„Together with my brother, we have succeeded in making the enterprise very successful in the fourth generation. After almost 145 years of existence, we have managed to achieve a turnover of 320 million Euros despite challenging marketing conditions. As Managing Director for technical affairs, Klaus has successfully positioned Pöttinger as an innovative manufacturer of agricultural technology. Together with the three new members of the Executive Board, we will continue our successful way into the future.“, explains Heinz Pöttinger.