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Fast growing leafy turnip offers multiple benefits

United Kingdom
April 25, 2016

The fast–growing grazing turnip Appin is an ideal catch crop to boost summer forage production and provide a break for pest control ahead of autumn grassland reseeding, according to Germinal.

Sown before the end of May in most parts of the UK, either following early grazing or first cut silage, this brassica forage crop will establish quickly and yield 4–6 tonnes of dry matter per hectare in 8–10 weeks.

“Unlike any other brassica forage crops, Appin can be direct drilled into spayed–off grassland,” explains Germinal GB national agricultural sales manager Ben Wixey. “As it establishes and grows so quickly, there is time to use it as a catch crop over the summer months ahead of autumn reseeding.

“This crop has a high leaf–to–bulb ratio, so provides high quality grazing for sheep or cattle. It has good resistance to club root, alternaria and mildew and is very drought tolerant, so offers a lot as a summer forage crop.

“With the recent withdrawal of pesticides used to control common pests of new grassland such as leatherjackets and frit fly, a short term break crop could be particularly advantageous in reducing risks.”

Appin is recommended for sowing at a seed rate of 5kg/ha and is available through Germinal GB distributors.

More news from: Germinal Seeds GB

Website: https://www.germinal.com/

Published: April 25, 2016

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