United Kingdom
March 24, 2016

Kerry Co–op milk suppliers John and David Carmody, with Dermot Campion, Germinal
Brothers John and David Carmody farm at Ballyduhig near Listowel in Co. Kerry. They have a commercial herd of around 140 Irish Friesian cows with an average yield of 1200 gals pa (5,500 litres) and supply Kerry Co–op.
95% of their cows are calved between early February and the end of March. Their target is to get cows out as early as possible depending on the grazing and weather conditions. They graze the drier ground and the wetter land is used for silage.
They make 140 acres of first cut pit silage and 50 to 60 acres of second cut silage using a Strautmann forage wagon. They are very happy with this system of silage conservation.
John and David believe in making the most of their grassland so they reseed frequently to optimise forage quality and yields. “Our local contractor Donal Browne has a wide range of equipment – he does the ploughing for us and we do the tilling ourselves.”
The brothers also have a cattle enterprise which is based on the dairy herd and supplying the Hereford prime beef scheme. This Hereford prime beef scheme was established in 1997 and this producer group has grown to over 2000 members helping to ensure a continuous supply of quality cattle. Irish Hereford Prime teamed up with ABP to form a dedicated supply chain.
It has been very successful and awards include the “Best Steak Award 2009” from German magazine BEEF!
Irish Hereford Prime Rib–eye beat off competition favourites New Zealand Wagyu, French Charolais and Argentine Angus to take the top spot! They also won the prestigious Food Writer’s Guild award in 2008 and the prestigious Great Taste Award in 2009.
The Carmody brothers use three stock bulls (one Friesian and two Hereford) and they do calf to beef from their heifers. Last year they sold 40 heifers to ABP in Rathkeale and the bullocks are sold as forward stores at Listowel Mart.
David and John have been using Germinal grass seed varieties for over 10 years either using Top 5 Extend, Top 5 Grazing or specials of the best grass. They reseed 20 to 25 acres each year in August as land is more available then with less impact on the grazing area than in the spring.
Over the last few years it has been the grazing area which was reseeded but this year weather permitting they will be doing the silage ground. John says “we are delighted with the Top 5 Extend grass seed mixture, we have got great results over the years.”
According to John “we are getting more grass, earlier in the spring but also in summer and in the autumn. The mixture is great to take, to tiller out and the yields are very good”.
Jerry Foran (Tel: 087. 9895509) is the technical sales representative for the Listowel branch of O’Connell Crecora Mills and advises them on the grass seed mixtures to use.
According to Jerry with increasing livestock numbers most farmers are doing more reseeding. “Our local contractor Donal Browne has a wide range of equipment and surface seeding is the most popular method around here. Farmers burn off the grass, Donal gives the land two to three runs of the disc harrow, uses a power harrow to get a fine seed bed and finishes up with the one pass machine.”