United Kingdom - Changes to authorisations for products containing chlorpyrifos
United Kingdom
February 12, 2016
Please find below a link to the HSE CRD web site officially detailing the changes to chlorpyrifos –ethyl authorisations.
What does this mean for Dow AgroSciences products, Dursban WG and Equity, which contain chlorpyrifos-ethyl?
Dursban WG and Equity with current uses on their label cannot be sold by Dow AgroSciences after the 31st March 2016
Dursban WG and Equity cannot be sold by distribution after the 31st March 2016
Growers cannot spray Dursban or Equity after the 31st March 2016
All Dursban WG and Equity can be stored by Dow AgroSciences, distributors and growers until the 30th September 2016 to facilitate product recovery for relabeling or disposal.
We strongly recommend to only order/purchase what you know can be used before the 1st April and for agronomists and advisors to only recommend what they know can be applied by growers before 1st April. For growers the oldest packs of Equity or Dursban WG should be used first and avoid being left with any opened (part used) packs.
Dow AgroSciences will continue to support the single remaining authorised use and product labelled with this use will be made available as soon as practically possible.
More news from: Dow AgroSciences UK
Website: http://www.dowagro.com/uk/index.htm Published: February 12, 2016 |
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