November 25, 2015
Source: Crop Biotech Update
Delegates of a recently concluded study tour to Sudan have learnt that political good will is a key factor in ensuring acceptance of biotech crop commercialization in countries from the COMESA region. Participants to the 7- day long tour, held on November 8-13, 2015, acknowledged that progress made by Sudanese cotton sub sector was a result of strong commitment by the Sudanese government. This they learnt, helped ensure farmers would adopt and reap benefits from the insect resistant cotton (Bt cotton). Participants visited farmers from irrigated cotton areas of New Halfa Agricultural Corporation (NHAC) and Rahad Schemes, in Central Sudan, and held talks with government officials, scientists and other stakeholders from the Sudanese cotton sub sector.
According to farmers visited, Bt cotton adoption in Sudan, since 2012, has considerably contributed to reducing the African boll worms menace. ‘'Previously, I could only harvest 50% of the bolls as the rest were lost to bollworm damage. Now I happily harvest all the bolls," said Mr. Ibrahim Ahmed, a cotton farmer in Rahad Irrigation scheme, Central Sudan.
The study tour was organized by the Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACTESA/ COMESA) in collaboration with the National Biosafety Council of Sudan, and Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Physical Construction. It involved regulators, researchers and journalists from Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
For more information, contact Dr. Getachew Belay at