United Kingdom
November 3, 2015
A chance to visit Agrimetrics, which is headquartered at Rothamsted Research, and launched this week by life sciences minister George Freeman MP and farming minister George Eustice MP (pictured above, left and right respectively). The centre is opening its doors for Agri-Tech Week when there will be an opportunity to find out more.
Agrimetrics will provide a single point of access for all publicly available data across the whole agri-food chain, encouraging wider and better use of data to enable innovation in the industry.
Professor John Crawford, CEO of Agrimetrics, says:
“We have been speaking to farming groups and will be holding workshops to discuss the needs of the agricultural community. All industries need to critically engage with data integration and farming is no exception. Bringing together many data sets that previously haven’t been integrated will open many avenues for innovation.
“Being overwhelmed by data is completely normal; we’re hoping by simplifying the analysis component, we’ll find solutions to problems we can’t even imagine and take agriculture to the next level.”
The centre was founded by Rothamsted Research, the University of Reading, NIAB and Scotland’s Rural College, and was created through Innovate UK to “contribute to a highly intelligent, productive, efficient, resilient and sustainable system.”
To see Agrimetrics for yourself and find out first-hand about the centre, click here to book your place to go along to the Agri-Tech Week event, “Big Data – what’s in it for farmers?” to be held on Monday 9th November.
Image from Agrimetrics.