United Kingdom
october 21, 2015
Hazera Seeds UK and Clause UK held their annual Brassica Open Days on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th October.
An extensive selection of brassica varieties from both companies were on display, along with exhibits of horticultural machinery products.

Varieties on show from Hazera’s own breeding, and that of Vilmorin, included the market standard cauliflowers Boris F1 and Seoul F1 along with cabbages, broccoli, savoys and Brussels sprouts from the catalogue.
New developments from the breeding programmes included Brussels sprouts Brodie F1 and the latest varieties 16-646 F1 and 16-628 F1. Also displayed were new summer and autumn cauliflowers including Idris F1 (Vil 6033) F1 and AH 2105.

Clause featured market-leading varieties cauliflowers Chassiron F1 and Naruto F1, cabbage Guard F1 and savoys Capriccio F1 and Traviata F1, as well as many new introductions that have been bred to extend the range. There were also demonstration plots of Romanescos, broccoli, sweetcorn and pumpkins.
The Open Days were very well-attended by growers and others from the horticultural community, with many complimentary and favourable comments being received afterwards. The event will be fully reported in the national trade press, maintaining the professional, successful profile of Hazera and Clause in the UK.