Washington, DC, USA
May 21, 2010
The International Cotton Advisory Committee honors a cotton researcher each year by awarding a certificate of recognition, a shield and an honorarium of US$1,000. Every year applications are invited from February 1 to March 31.
Eleven candidates from eight countries across five continents applied for or were nominated for the 2010 award. As last year, the Selection Committee was comprised of five anonymous judges from four countries. Members of the Selection Committee came to a consensus and selected Dr. Freddie M. Bourland, University of Arkansas, USA as the ICAC Cotton Researcher of the Year 2010.
Dr. Freddie M. Bourland did his Masters in Plant Breeding from the University of Arkansas in 1974 and Ph.D. in Genetics from the Texas A&M University in 1978. He worked for the Mississippi State University from 1978 to 1988 and became Professor. Dr. Bourland joined the University of Arkansas in 1988 where now he is a University Professor. His program has released over 70 cotton germplasm lines and cultivars. One cultivar now being released combines exceptional fiber quality with impressive yield and host plant resistance traits. He lead work to develop a modified plant mapping program (named COTMAP), a program for summarizing variety test data over multiple states (named COTVAR), and an index of cotton fiber quality (named Q-score).
In addition, he was co-leader of research team that developed COTMAN, an expert cotton management system.
His other primary research areas have included conducting state cotton variety tests in the USA, evaluating and determining inheritance of several seed and seedling vigor parameters, and developing and employing several selection criteria that may be used to enhance host plant resistance and to improve production efficiency via basic yield components. Prior to being named Center Director of the University of Arkansas Northeast Research and Extension Center in 1997, he regularly taught an undergraduate course covering principles of cotton production and taught graduate level genetics courses. He has directed the research of 26 graduate students and has served on over 60 graduate student committees. He has authored (or co-authored) 71-refereed publications, over 265 abstracts and proceedings, and 23 book chapters. More information about his work is available on the ICAC web page at http://www.icac.org/tis/researcher_of_the_year/winners/2010_bourland/english.html
The award will be continued, more information about the award is available at http://www.icac.org/tis/researcher_of_the_year/english.html