United Kingdom
July 21, 2015
Cover crops were the focus point on June 26th at a Germinal/ Cooney Furlong event in Wexford.
The benefits and roles of cover crops was widely discussed and attendees also got to view a range of options in the field. Jerome Vasseur of Jouffray-Drillaud gave a very information overview on cover crops and their importance in improving soil structure and reducing soil erosion in arable farm systems.
Following on from this Philip Reck, who is the Farm Manager at Cooney Furlong described the improvements he has seen in the soil since introducing cover crops into their system. He also discussed the management of the crop from sowing to incorporation. As a result of using cover crops, Philip described then much finer till on the soil and the reduced requirement for tilling the soil before sowing. The soil is also much drier following a cover crop over the winter and they also supress weeds. He uses cover crops on the entire cereal area and described how different options have worked for him over the years.

Philip Reck of Cooney Furlong speaks to attendees of the recent Germinal/ Cooney Furlong open day on cover crops in Co. Wexford.
Jim Gibbons from Germinal, discussed the role of Cover crops in Greening and Glas and the options available to the farmer. Germinal have 3 different cover crop mixtures, designed to help condition the soil, reduce nutrient leaching and surpress weeds over the winter period.
View Germinal's Catch Crops brochure here