July 27, 2015
Receipt of licence application DIR 139 from Pioneer Hi-Bred Australia Pty Ltd for commercial release of genetically modified canola
The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) has received a licence application (DIR 139) from Pioneer Hi-Bred Australia Pty Ltd (Pioneer) for commercial cultivation of genetically modified (GM) canola. A summary of the application and a Questions and Answers document are posted on the DIR 139 page of the OGTR website.
Licence application DIR 139 is for commercial release of the GM canola variety Optimum™ GLY Canola. The GM canola contains one introduced gene that confers tolerance to the herbicide glyphosate.
Pioneer is seeking approval to cultivate the GM canola in all canola growing areas of Australia, subject to any State legislation restricting areas where GMOs may be grown. The GM canola and its products would enter general commerce, including use in human food and animal feed.
OGTR is preparing a comprehensive Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan (RARMP) for the application. The RARMP will be prepared taking into account advice received from a broad range of experts, agencies and authorities, and relevant local councils, as specified in the Gene Technology Act 2000. I expect the consultation RARMP to be released for public comment and further advice from experts, agencies and authorities in January 2016. There will be at least 30 days allowed for submission of comments.
If you have any questions or would like to receive a copy of the full application please contact the OGTR (quoting the reference number DIR 139).
DIR 139 documents
The following documents are available for DIR 139:
Notification of application
The document informs the public and other stakeholders that the Regulator has received an application for a licence. It provides early information about the application and the assessment process, including a forthcoming opportunity for public submissions.
PDF format - 45 KB
DOCX format - 56 KB
Questions and Answers on application
A series of questions and corresponding answers on the licence application which briefly explains the assessment process and public consultation processes.
PDF format - 16 KB
DOCX format - 28 KB
Summary of licence application
The document summarises the application including brief description of the GMO(s), proposed work with GMO(s), and explains the assessment and public consultation process.
PDF format - 57 KB
DOCX format - 66 KB