Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
July 20, 2015
Scott Horner of HyTech Production Ltd., in Lethbridge, Alberta, has become the 64th President of the Canadian Seed Trade Association. He accepted the President’s gavel during the Association’s 92nd Annual Meeting in Windsor.
Scott is a familiar face to members and stakeholders alike and is well known for his active contributions to the Association. Scott has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2008, and represents CSTA on the Board of Directors of the Seed Association of the Americas. Scott has been Chairman of both the International Committee and the Hybrid Canola Seed Production Sub-Committee. An experienced leader, Scott brings more than 20 years of national and international seed sector experience to the role.
“I am truly honoured to have been chosen to represent the Canadian Seed Trade Association as your President,” said Scott Horner. “In my experience, there isn’t another industry where people are so dedicated and passionate about what they do and so genuine and amazing to work with. I look forward to working with all of you as we work towards our true potential.”
Scott will lead an active Board of Directors, focused on serving members and growing the value of the seed industry. Joining Scott in 2015-2016 will be: Dave Baute, Maizex Seeds, Past-President, Brent Derkatch, Canterra Seeds, 1st Vice-President, Dan Wright, Monsanto Canada, 2nd Vice-President, Doug Alderman, Pride Seeds, Jeff Bertholet, BASF Canada Inc., Georges Chaussé, La Coop Fédérée, Darrell Dziver, BrettYoung Seeds, Wayne Gale, Stokes Seeds Limited, Todd Hyra, SeCan, Duane Johnson, Syngenta Canada, George Lammertsen, Bayer CropScience, Kevin McCallum, DL Seeds, Ellen Sparry, C & M Seeds, Marty Vermey, Dow Seeds, and Matt Hynes, American Seed Trade Association representative.
“I am so pleased to be working with this dynamic and passionate group,” noted Scott. “The Board of Directors and I are fully committed to serving you to the high standard that you have come to rely on. However, we cannot fully capture opportunities and be successful without member support. I challenge each of you to engage in the Association and to lend your creativity and expertise. The results of your investment in CSTA will pay dividends for the industry, for your businesses, for farmers and for Canadians.”
CSTA also paid tribute to Past-President Peter Entz whose term on the Board of Directors has ended. Peter was first elected in July 2006 and guided the association as President in 2013-2014. Peter was instrumental in developing CSTA’s position on variety registration. CSTA sincerely thanks Peter for his commitment over many years to the Association.
The Canadian Seed Trade Association is the national voice of 130 seed company members engaged in all aspects of seed research, production, and marketing and trade, both domestically and internationally. Visit us at Follow us on Twitter: @SeedInnovation