Springville, Tennessee, USA
April 27, 2015
GroGenesis, Inc., (OTCBB: GROG) ("GroGenesis" or the "Company"), rights holders, developers and manufacturers of innovative plant health enhancement products is very pleased to announce it has entered into a second consecutive year agreement with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service ("AgriLife"), a member of the Texas A&M University System ("TAMUS") and an agency of the State of Texas.
GroGenesis is delighted to advise that by mutual consent, activities for the continuation of the successful collaboration with Texas A & M AgriLife Extension Services are ongoing. Further studies on its flagship AgraBurst plant growth stimulant are intended to investigate the effect of application timing and rates on corn and cotton for crop yield and quality. Trials began in early April at the University research farm facilities at the Stiles Farm Foundation (dryland) near Trall, Texas and the Texas University Impact Farm (irrigated) near College Station, Texas.
Regionally appropriate hybrids/cultivars of cotton and corn were selected and planted at both locations. Individual treatment schedules and application rates for each crop have been determined and will be rigorously adhered to. Each test location will have 6 test plots with different timing and application rates as well as control plots.
Composite soil samples will be collected pre-treatment and following harvest and will be analyzed for pH, conductivity, primary nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), secondary nutrients (calcium, magnesium, sulfur), micronutrients (copper, iron, manganese, zinc), and gravimetric soil water content. In addition, the environmental parameters of air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed will be recorded at the time of each foliar treatment application.
For corn, yield and bushel weights will be determined. For cotton, yield, percent turnout, and fiber quality will be determined. An annual report summarizing first-year results was developed and submitted to GroGenesis in December, 2014. A final report summarizing results for both years of the study will be developed and submitted to GroGenesis by December 15, 2015.
GroGenesis CEO Joe Fewer comments, "We are extremely pleased to again have the services of the AgriLife team undertaking these important field studies. We'd like to thank the entire project team beginning with Dr. Mark McFarland (Leader, Soil and Crop Sciences), Dr. Dennis Coker (Soil and Crop Science), Dr. Gaylon Morgan (Cotton), Dr. Ronnie Schnell (Corn), Dr. Tony Provin (Soil Science) and Mr. Dale Mott (Cotton Specialist) all of whom are acknowledged agricultural specialists." The team is focused on managing and evaluating the impact of AgraBurst on two economically significant crops. For testing purposes corn and cotton were selected and the study aims to quantify AgraBurst's cost effectiveness to the farmer and professional end user."
GroGenesis aims to become a leading producer of natural plant growth health technologies. The Company's 'AgraBurst' is neither a fertilizer nor herbicide. The product is a plant growth technology blended from processed extracts of natural plant materials that directly improves the positive effects of commercial fertilizers and available nutrients. GroGenesis also offers "AgraBlast" an eco-friendly, non-toxic alternative to synthetic fungicides. When used in combination (as directed), the Company offers an innovative solution for the control of plant pathogenic fungi and for plant remediation and stimulation of yields.