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United Kingdom - A wealth of specialist crops for classic herbicide Dow Shield 400

United Kingdom
March 26, 2015


Vegetable, allium and nursery crop growers have been plagued in the last few years by the loss of crop protection actives, either as more products are revoked or go through re-registration and lose crops. But one manufacturer has been busy adding to their recommendations and supporting and encouraging Extension of Authorisation for Minor Uses (EAMU’s) for their chemistry. “We get a lot of queries from growers on our Hotline about what they can use on their vegetables and onion crops. One of our classic active ingredients clopyralid continues to be an important herbicide for these specialist growers and each year additional crops are added or recommendations altered to make them even better,” says Dilwyn Harris, Principal Biologist for Dow AgroSciences.

“Dow Shield® 400 (clopyralid) was reformulated and re-registered as a double strength formulation two years ago. Through this process it held onto its key crop recommendations and has become an even more important active ingredient for the control of difficult perennial and annual weeds such as creeping thistles, volunteer potatoes, corn marigold, groundsel, mayweeds and smooth sow-thistle. Its more concentrated formulation and advanced packaging with self-seal cap technology and no foil has made it easy to handle and makes spraying more streamlined. So vegetable growers benefit from this advanced formulation as well as the broad-acre crop growers,” says Dilwyn.

Dow Shield 400 has full label recommendations for over 20 different crops including swedes, turnips, mangels, bulb onions, broccoli/calabrese, cabbage, cauliflower, fodder beet, forage maize, linseed and Brussels sprouts (as well as most cereals and rape), says Dilwyn.

It also has EAMUs for a multitude of different crops including asparagus, garlic, shallots, chard, spinach, spinach beet, Chinese cabbage, kale, collard, outdoor leafy herbs, and, more recently, outdoor leeks and salad onions. “The list currently stands at more than 21 EAMU’s, so together with approved label recommendations, over 40 crops can be treated with Dow Shield 400 now – and the list is always growing,” says Dilwyn.

Allium growers have fewer and fewer chemicals that they can use but Dow Shield 400 has recommendations for most allium crops including bulb onions, salad onions, outdoor leeks, garlic and shallots. Dow Shield 400 should be used from 1st March and when these crops have at least 2 true leaves but before 6 weeks prior to harvest.

Cabbage, cauliflowers and broccoli can also be treated from the 2 true leaf stage up to 6 weeks before harvest and Brussels sprouts between the 2 true leaf stage up to 9 true leaves. The individual dose for these crops is 0.5 l/ha with a total Maximum dose of 0.75 l/ha. No peas or beans should be planted in the same year as the treatment with Dow Shield 400.

For any EAMU, growers should obtain a copy of the notice of approval via the Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD) web site, ADAS offices or NFU.

More news from: Dow AgroSciences UK

Website: http://www.dowagro.com/uk/index.htm

Published: March 27, 2015

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