United Kingdom
March 9, 2015
“Achieved yields for wheat at farm gate average 8t/ha in the UK. These are well below the national and recommended list trials and way below the UK record of 14.5 t/ha.
“Clearly achieved yields are below yield potentials,” says Malcolm Hawkesford (pictured), Deputy Head of Plant Biology and Crop Science at Rothamsted and co-lead in 20:20, a programme which aims to increase wheat yield to 20 tonnes of wheat per hectare within 20 years.
He continues: “Multiple factors contribute to this and if it was possible to have greater information about the growing environment, this could all help to inform a more effective management strategy and potentially boost yields.
A discussion of the micro-environmental factors impacting performance and the techniques that are emerging to help farmers identify them, is the theme of the next Agri-Tech East Pollinator “Precision Agriculture to Decision Agriculture” – to be held on 11th March at Rothamsted.
Speakers include:
- Welcome and Introduction - Clive Blacker, Director, Precision Decisions and Agri-Tech Precision Agriculture Specialist, UKTI
- Two eyes in the zone - Stuart Alexander, Decision Support Services Commercial Manager, Agrii
- UAV, satellite and field data: Working together for agriculture - Alex Dinsdale, Sales Manager, URSULA Agriculture
- New technologies for measuring crop performance - Dr Malcolm Hawkesford, Head of Plant Biology and Crop Science Department, Rothamsted Research
The Pollinator will bring together farmers and researchers with technologists to improve understanding of the potential and limitations of current technology and the opportunities for new types of tools for monitoring and decision-making support.
More details about the Pollinator.
This event is kindly sponsored by Anglia Farmers.
Agri-Tech East Pollinator: "From Precision to Decision Agriculture"
Rothamsted Centre for Research and Enterprise, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2JQ
Date of event: 11 March, 2015
Many technologies exist to help with on-farm decision-making. But are farmers and growers really maximising the benefit of these new technologies to increase productivity, efficiency or sustainability? Here we showcase a number of precision-ag tools and services and discuss how to extract real value from the data.
Among those who would receive the greatest benefit from attending this Pollinator are farmers, growers, processors, and those involved in the development of new technologies/services for precision agriculture.
This Pollinator will be chaired by:
Clive Blacker, Director, Precision Decisions and Agri-Tech Precision Agriculture Specialist, UKTI
16:00 Registration and Coffee
16:30 Welcome and Introduction
Clive Blacker, Director, Precision Decisions and Agri-Tech Precision Agriculture Specialist, UKTI
16:45 Two eyes in the zone
Stuart Alexander, Decision Support Services Commercial Manager, Agrii
17:05 UAV, satellite and field data: Working together for agriculture
Alex Dinsdale, Sales Manager, URSULA Agriculture
17:25 New technologies for measuring crop performance
Dr Malcolm Hawkesford, Head of Plant Biology and Crop Science Department, Rothamsted Research
17:45 Panel Session
18:15 Networking
19:00 Depart
To book your place click here.
This Pollinator has been generously sponsored by Anglia Farmers and is hosted by kind permission of Rothamsted Centre for Research and Enterprise.