United Kingdom
February 18, 2015
Fodder Beet has again proved to be an impressive source of feed for the livestock sector this winter but for the first time in many years, fodder beet growers and merchants have to choose new varieties to grow this spring. Two long standing varieties grown in the UK are suffering from serious availability promoting the question “what is available instead?”
Cagnotte Fodder Beet
“We have had strong sales of fodder beet for many years & realised that there was a going to be a shortage in the market so have worked hard with the production and breeding team at Florimond Desprez to bring in extra stocks,” commented Bob Miles, Elsoms Seeds Agricultural Director.
“With the first arrival of seed now in the warehouse here at Spalding we are getting a lot of demand to get stock delivered out to merchants,” commented Elsoms Sales Specialist, Heather Ayre. “Whilst Jamon remains very popular, recent new varieties, Splendide and Cagnotte, sold very strongly last year and we are getting strong interest as farmers and merchants look around to replace varieties that are not available,” added Heather.
"Many farmers order their fodder beet as they need it and order the same variety year in year out so could be in for a bit of a shock come late March, early April when they are ready to drill the crop," according to Elsoms Adrian Hayler. "There will, as a result of the shortage of two stalwarts, be a strong demand for other varieties so it would be a good idea for