New Zealand
December 2, 2014
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has issued an amendment to the import health standard (IHS) 155.02.05 Importation of Seed for Sowing under section 24A of the Biosecurity Act (1993). The IHS, dated 1 December 2014, replaces the earlier version of the standard dated 19 August 2014. The revised IHS is available to view on the following website:
The changes to the IHS are a result of two recent emerging risk assessments that have identified that:
A.Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), a disease affecting Cucurbitaceae species of seed, is spreading in distribution causing significant yield losses to susceptible species.
Specific measures for CGMMV have been added to the following schedules in the IHS:
- A new schedule for Cucurbitaceae; which applies to all species of Cucurbitaceae previously imported under “Basic” conditions.
- Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus will be added as a quarantine pest
- Testing of the seeds for CGMMV will be required, with the sample size specified (2000 seeds)
B. Maize lethal necrosis disease (MLND), affecting maize grain and silage, and sweetcorn, is increasing in distribution causing significant losses in maize crops in many different African countries.
Emergency measures have been applied within the existing Zea schedule and include:
- Removal of the provision for Pest Free Place of Production additional declaration for Maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV).
- Specified seed testing methods and sample size for MCMV.
- Addition of Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) as a quarantine pest.
The new requirements will come into effect on 1 December 2014.
Questions related to this amendment should be directed to:
Plant & Forestry Team
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526