A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
Date: Fri 24 Oct 2014
Source: FreshPlaza, Katherine Times report [edited]
CGMMV detected in pumpkin crop
The Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries [DPIF] has confirmed cucumber green mottle mosaic virus [CGMMV] has been detected in a pumpkin crop in the Northern Territory. The department made the announcement as Katherine watermelon producers impacted by the highly contagious virus continued to destroy their crops [see ProMED-mail post 20141009.2844854].
An additional quarantine area has been declared following the detection of the infected pumpkin crop. Properties in declared quarantine areas will not be able to move, sell or plant any of the virus' declared host plants which include watermelons, cucumbers, and squash.
DPIF's Stephen West thanked melon growers in Katherine for their assistance. "They have been extremely co-operative with the quarantine decisions and have taken steps to destroy their watermelon crop by turning off water and ripping up crops," he said. "It is important that we move quickly to prevent any further spread of the virus as it could have a devastating impact on some of our agricultural industries."
Communicated by:
[_Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus_ (CGMMV; genus _Tobamovirus_) is a major pathogen of cucurbit crops with reported yield losses of around 15 percent. The virus has a narrow host range limited to the Cucurbitaceae. The type strain affects cucumber and occurs in Europe; a watermelon strain is reported from Japan; unspecified strains are reported from India (gourds, muskmelon), China (multiple hosts) and, recently, the US (muskmelon; ProMED-mail post 20131219.2124396).
Symptoms vary in different host species and may be masked in field crops. They may include severe leaf mosaic, deformation of vines and internal fruit symptoms such as discolouration and rotting of flesh.
CGMMV is both seed and pollen transmitted. It is extremely stable and can also be spread by mechanical means (human activities, insect damage, plant-to-plant contact), with contaminated agricultural tools, infected plant material, in water and contaminated soil. Spread by specific insect vectors appears doubtful. Disease management may include removal of virus reservoirs, phytosanitary practices and use of certified clean seed or other planting material. Transgenic rootstock lines of some cucurbit crops (including watermelon) with resistance to CGMMV have been or are being developed.
The detection of CGMMV in a 2nd cucurbit crop in the NT introduces a new aspect to the search for a possible source of the current outbreak. Previously the thought was that the virus may have entered the country as a quarantine incursion with infected watermelon seed from overseas. If this was the case, CGMMV would now have been spread between crops, despite the current phytosanitary efforts. However, the possibility must be considered that the virus may have been present in the country before its recent first official confirmation (ProMED-mail post 20141009.2844854), perhaps on wild cucurbits common in central Australia, and spread to crops from such an internal reservoir host.
Until reliable data about virus source and origin are available, control measures to protect national industries would need to address either scenario.
Australia (with states):
<http://www.ga.gov.au/image_cache/GA4073.jpg> and <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/292>
Northern Territory:
CGMMV symptoms on cucurbit leaves and vines:
<http://www.envirologix.com/artman/uploads/cukevine.jpg>, and <http://docsdrive.com/images/academicjournals/ijv/2011/fig2-2k11-1-12.jpg>
(also on _Chenopodium_ indicator)
CGMMV affected cucurbit fruits:
(watermelon) and
<http://www.english.vkm.no/eway/imgstore/6efd6060bc.jpg> (cucumber) CGMMV particles, electron micrograph:
Additional news stories:
Information and description of CGMMV and diseases:
CGMMV epidemiology and diagnosis:
<http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ppa.12065/full> and <http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03235408.2013.840102#.VDXhP0g-IlU>
CGMMV resistant transgenic watermelon:
CGMMV taxonomy via:
- Mod.DHA]
[See Also:
Cucumber green mottle mosaic, watermelon - Australia (02): 1st rep
(NT) 20141009.2844854
Cucumber green mottle mosaic, watermelon - Australia: (NT) susp.
Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, melon - USA: 1st rep (CA)
Cucumber mosaic virus, muskmelon - India: (PB) susp. 20120509.1128172
Cucumber mosaic virus & mildew, muskmelon - India: (PB) 20110505.1385
Undiagnosed virus, muskmelon - India: (PU) 20080523.1695] .