New Mexico, USA
August 2014
As we know, chile grown in the dry weather and warm soil of New Mexico cannot be matched by chile grown anywhere else in the world. The chile industry in New Mexico significantly contributes not only to the economy of New Mexico, but also to our culture and tradition. Chile is the heart and soul of New Mexico. The unique flavor and high quality of New Mexican chile creates a reputation, and we are seeking to preserve that reputation and the chile industry in New Mexico.
Just in time for the 2014 chile harvest, we are announcing the New Mexico Certified Chile™ program. In order to preserve the integrity of chile grown in New Mexico, we have created a Certification Mark that guarantees this chile IS New Mexico Certified Chile™. The NMCA has trademarked the words and logo “New Mexico Certified Chile™” and members of the NMCA can become Licensees to use the trademark in its advertising. NMCA information can be found at
Oftentimes chile is incorrectly described as New Mexican when in reality it is grown outside New Mexico or even outside the country. 82% of chile consumed in the US is imported. By creating a New Mexico Certified Chile™ Mark that can be used on products and in marketing, we can guarantee that chile is grown in New Mexico and loyal consumers will no longer be left searching for the truth. They will know their chile is not a cheap imitation. The Certification Mark will guarantee the unique flavor and high quality that chile grown elsewhere lacks, and will preserve the reputation of New Mexico’s chile. This program will not only support chile farmers, but all those that sell and use New Mexico Certified Chile™. New Mexico Certified Chile™ will join others such as the Vidalia Onion™, Florida Oranges™, California Almonds™, and Idaho Potato™ certification programs as programs that support signature crops of a state or region.
The NMCA will administer this program, and only members will be able to participate. In order to use the New Mexico Certified Chile™ Certification Mark, we ask that you complete an application and sign the license agreement, accompanied by a check for all Participation Fees. Farmers, produce vendors, processors and manufacturers can use the trademark in their advertising, packaging, and publicity for an annual fee of $500, and a small fee of $0.002 per pound of New Mexico Certified Chile™. Each participant’s Distributor, Retailer, and Restaurant customers can also use the trademark for no additional fee, which will give them a competitive advantage over those who do not use the trademark.
The NMCA plans on advertising the Trademark and Certification program and the importance of buying New Mexico Certified Chile™ to the public. There is no question that the public will support and buy chile products that are New Mexico Certified Chile™ products. Use of the trademark will distinguish the product from foreign product and give us a competitive edge.
To preserve the integrity of your chile and stand out among competitors: