Nairobi, Kenya
April 14, 2014
The effects of Climate Change on Smallholder Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) emerged to be the major focus of the 2014 Africa Agriculture Status Report (AASR).
A meeting convened by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and the World Bank, saw experts from across the agricultural value chain meet in Nairobi, Kenya, to deliberate the content of the upcoming report.
At the meeting AGRA President, Jane Karuku, emphasized on the need for African led solutions alluding to the fact that African farmers are aware of the challenges they face. She said, “Farmers’ problems are a manifestation of climate change; they cannot plant on time as the rains are unpredictable and too much attack on crops from pests and diseases and unpredictable climate conditions lead to high post-harvest losses.”
The first AASR was released in 2013 and brought together extensive information and data to assist policy makers to develop suitable policies to foster agriculture in Africa.
The 2014 AASR will highlight the importance of addressing climate change to increase African agricultural productivity, improve food security and enhance the resilience of farmer’s to climate change.
The report will focus on five areas: Agriculture and Climate Change in SSA; Agriculture Productivity and Climate Change in SSA; Climate Smart Agriculture for Addressing Food Insecurity and Climate Change; Integrating Climate Smart Agriculture in SSA and Knowledge Management Systems and Education for Resilience Building.
World Bank’s Senior Natural Resources Management Specialist, Dr. Ademola Braimoh, who is a specialist on Climate Smart Agriculture, chaired the meeting and said climate smart agriculture is a practice to help African farmers increase their productivity and enhance their resilience to climate change.
“You cannot eliminate poverty without addressing food insecurity in Africa. To address food insecurity you must address climate change because climate change would affect agriculture. Business as usual cannot help us met the challenges of the current moment. We need to factor in climate change in our development plan and that is what the 2014 AASR will do,” remarked Dr. Ademola.
The 2014 AASR will be released on 2 September 2014 at the Alliance for a Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The forum will address key issues and inform policy making in a bid to assist African farmers in adapting to the effects and challenges posed by climate change.
The 2014 AASR will be authored by experts and professionals drawn from AGRA, World Bank, Food Agriculture Organisation (FAO), World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Private Sector, the development community and Universities from across Africa and beyond.
AGRA President, Jane Karuku, thanked the participants for finding time to convene and deliberate on issues that touch on basic challenges of African farmers. She challenged all the participants to be bold and state the stark facts as these will help in tackling the problems and opportunities presented by climate change scenarios.