Madison, Wisconsin, USA
DNASTAR, a leading molecular biology software company announced today that the representatives of The University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa, have signed a broad site license agreement for the use of Lasergene® sequence analysis software developed by DNASTAR.
Under the terms of the site license, all researchers on the University of Iowa campus will have unlimited access and use of the software for their sequence analysis projects. The license is for a four year period. The site license includes the latest version of Lasergene, v8.1, which provides users with tools capable of being used in the analysis of Next Generation Sequence data, gene discovery and analysis, automated virtual cloning (including MultiSite Gateway cloning), simultaneous examination of SNP’s from multiple samples, and numerous other features. Upgrades of Lasergene that are released during the contract period are also included.
Bob Steinhauser, DNASTAR’s Director of Marketing stated, “The University of Iowa and DNASTAR have been working together for many years. The site license brings together many different research groups within the University and provides uniformity and standardization of the sequencing software at the University. Site licenses that provide a large number of researchers at a facility access to the use of software are popular at research facilities worldwide because they permit researchers to collaborate much easier. We are extremely pleased that as the activities at the University have grown, DNASTAR has been able to grow with them.”
Lasergene, a comprehensive sequence analysis software program sold in more than 70 countries worldwide, provides users with tools to perform a wide range of DNA assembly, visualization and analysis operations on data generated by the conventional Sanger sequencing method as well as Next Generation platforms available from Roche 454, Illumina, ABI SOLiD and Helicos. It can also be used in a wide range of protein analysis applications. Additional Lasergene information and Free Trial versions of the software are available.
The University of Iowa is one of the major molecular biology research centers in the USA. Research programs range from the basic sciences to various fields of agricultural research, microbiology, environmental sciences and numerous areas within the human healthcare field.
DNASTAR, Madison, Wisconsin has been a pioneer in the development and sales of bioinformatics software used to increase researcher’s productivity for more than 25 years. Currently, DNASTAR produces Lasergene, a sequence analysis software suite; SeqMan NGen, an assembly tool specifically designed for use with Next Generation sequencing platforms; GenVision, a data visualization software application; and ArrayStar, a microarray gene expression visualization and analysis tool.