Cary, North Carolina, USA
January 21, 2014
Arysta LifeScience North America recently unveiled a new chemistry, aβpro™ Yield Enhancer, that uses alphaBeta proteins to stimulate plants’ natural growth responses to increase photosynthesis and nutrient uptake leading to improved plant health and higher yields.
aβpro Yield Enhancer is applied topically to plant leaves, where the technology activates gene expression, which then boosts various internal plant biochemical pathways that affect plant growth and yield. aβpro also helps to strengthen plants’ defense systems to help fend off environmental stresses.
“Growers can expect to see positive plant-health benefits from aβpro similar to those following the use of a strobilurin, such as the fluoxastrobin in FORTIX® Fungicide,” said Kevin Staska, Product Manager, Arysta LifeScience. “The positive effect of aβpro in the plant is even more persistent than strobilurins.”
“aβpro Yield Enhancer does exactly what the name implies – it enhances plant growth and vigor, increasing yields for a variety of crops,” Staska added. “It gives growers an economical way to get plant health benefits on acres that were previously managed less intensively.”
And according to Staska, products containing aβpro Yield Enhancer will be on the market in the near future.
“We look forward to making aβpro Yield Enhancer available in combination with Arysta LifeScience products later this spring to growers who want to enhance their crops’ growth, quality and vigor,” Staska said. “With an increase in plant stamina, aβpro will fit well in growers’ crop protection arsenals.”
For more information on aβpro Yield Enhancer and the portfolio of Arysta LifeScience products, visit