Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
January 9, 2014
Cheminova, Inc. today announced the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted a specific exemption under Section 18 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act to the Texas Department of Agriculture for the use of TOPGUARD® Fungicide to control cotton root rot. This means for the third consecutive year, Texas cotton growers can use TOPGUARD to manage cotton root rot, a devastating disease that is estimated to cause direct yield losses of as much as $40 million annually.
“Since the 2012 growing season, the EPA has granted this emergency use for cotton growers in Texas,” said Deneen Sebastian, Director of Marketing, Cheminova, Inc. “TOPGUARD, with the active ingredient flutriafol, is the only fungicide known to protect cotton plants from cotton root rot. Cheminova is pleased to be able to offer this to cotton growers to help ensure a healthy crop this season.”
TOPGUARD may be applied at planting either as a T-Band application or Modified In-Furrow. For T-Band it is applied in a concentrated 3-4 inch wide band at planting perpendicular to row direction after furrow opening and seed placement, but prior to furrow closure. For Modified In-Furrow, TOPGUARD is applied using a splitter/Y shaped application mechanism or seed firmer that directs the product on the sides of the seed furrow and not in direct contact with the seed.
This emergency use is effective February 1, 2014 and expires on June 30, 2014. Anyone applying TOPGUARD for cotton root rot must have copy of the TOPGUARD Fungicide Section 18 Exemption label on hand during application.
About Cheminova, Inc.
Cheminova, Inc., headquartered in Research Triangle Park, N.C., is the U.S. subsidiary of Cheminova A/S. Located in Lemvig, Denmark. Cheminova is a global company in the production, development and sale of plant protection products in more than 100 countries.
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