Global Research Alliance will reduce emissions from agriculture
Copenhagen, Denmark
December 16, 2009
The Cop15 at Bella Center today hosted an agreement on a new global research alliance. The alliance will share good practice and improve access to the latest research on how to reduce agricultural emissions of greenhouse gases. The Danish minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Eva Kjer Hansen, shared a good example.
There is an urgent need to develop technologies and practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. The new Global Research Alliance will establish a robust international effort to develop and share the fundamental research needed to ensure that agricultural emissions decline, while contributing to ensuring food security. Until now 18 countries have joined the alliance. More countries are expected to join the alliance during COP 15.
With a Danish example as proof that the world can produce more while reducing our contribution to global warming, Eva Kjer Hansen participated in today's roundtable meeting.
"Together we have extensive knowledge. In Denmark we have reduced the emission of greenhouse gases by 23 percent since 1990 and in the same period of time the agricultural production has increased 16 pct. The reduction has been possible with an optimization of the nutrient chain, through enhanced water management. This is an area, where Denmark can contribute with knowledge ", says Danish minister Hansen
"We must put the agricultural sector on the agenda every time we talk about the effects of climate change and when we talk about solutions. Agriculture is not only a part of the climate challenge. It is a part of the solution. Copenhagen University, Faculty of Life Sciences has just opened a "Challenge Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security", with focus on challenges in developing countries. The new center located here in Copenhagen has a budget of approximately 70 million Euros, and coordination between this and other initiatives could create great synergy effects,” says Eva Kjer Hansen.
At the meeting there was strong political will and consensus that a global research alliance between the respective countries can contribute to exchange experiences, knowledge and new technology.
The next meeting in the alliance will be in New Zealand in March 2010.
More news from: Denmark, Ministry of Agriculture
Website: Published: December 16, 2009 |
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