December 17, 2013
Australia’s cotton industry will remain at the cutting edge of innovation with the announcement that Monsanto Australia will invest in a new research facility in the state of Queensland.
The increased investment in the company’s research capability will ensure cotton growers continue to benefit from its highly successful insect-tolerant and herbicide-resistant cotton for years to come.
This announcement comes at a time when Australian agriculture is trying to attract the investment required to turn the promise of emerging markets in Asia into a reality for local farmers.
Queensland’s Agricultural Minister, John McVeigh, congratulated Monsanto Australia on plans to open a new research facility.
“Research undertaken at this new facility is extremely important for our cotton industry. It will play a vital role in making sure we use the very best technology available to grow what is a very important industry in this state,” McVeigh said.
Cotton is grown locally in Queensland and New South Wales.
Monsanto Australia Managing Director Daniel Kruithoff said the increased investment demonstrates the company’s long term commitment to the local cotton industry.
“Developments in biotechnology have underpinned the cotton industry’s well documented productivity and sustainability gains. This impressive performance was driven by the industry’s commitment to innovation, rapid adoption of new technology and crop management practices.
“Providing growers with the long term security they need and expect from our technology requires increased investment in innovation,” Kruithoff said.
Monsanto Australia’s Head of Technology Development, Tony May, said that the facility will allow the company to undertake increasingly sophisticated research.
“Cotton technology development is becoming ever more complex and requires modern facilities that will enable advanced research and testing.
“The new facility will provide our entomologists and researchers with the resources they need to undertake more sophisticated testing of our existing and pipeline technologies, and a base to conduct field tests and expanded pest resistance research,” May said.