United Kingdom
December 18, 2013
Following the successful introduction of new varieties, Splendide and Cagnotte, Elsoms have updated their Fodder Beet guide for spring 2014. Working with French plant breeder Florimond Desprez, Elsoms have developed and selected varieties that are suitable for the UK’s unique maritime climate. The new guide provides growers with information about which variety best suits their circumstances from the wide portfolio available.
.The challenging weather patterns of the last few years have demonstrated that fodder beet is ideally suited to cope with the UK’s “variable” conditions,” says Elsoms’ Adrian Hayler. “Fodder beet has a robust and durable growth habit, combined with good resistance to disease, excellent ground cover, a broad drilling window and very long harvesting period,” added Adrian. “In the last few years we have seen situations were growers have either struggled to get spring sown forage crops into the ground and established, or at the other end of the season, changeable summer weather has resulted in delayed maturity with severe impacts for forage quality and yield. “ he concluded.
“We were very pleased with the uptake of our new varieties Splendide and Cagnotte in 2013,” commented Bob Miles, Elsoms Agriculture Director. “A number of growers had had trial quantities in 2012 and were so impressed with the results that they came back with major orders in 2013 which speaks volumes,” added Bob.
“Cagnotte has attracted a lot of attention as it is easy to lift and combines high performance with resistance to Rhizomania, whilst Splendide is more of an all-round variety producing very high dry matter yields” said Adrian. “We still see a lot if demand for Jamon as it has an excellent reputation for producing heavy crops of very palatable beet and is suitable for feeding in situ or for liflting and storing to be fed whole or chopped,” added Adrian