The Clearfield Production System for oilseed rape -- An intelligent system for mutual success
May 23, 2013
Oilseed Rape (OSR) is one of the most important crops in Europe. Its expansion has been encouraged by widening demand for vegetable oil along with agronomical advances making its production more efficient and profitable.
Winter OSR is in the field for around 300--360 days during which it faces a series of challenges that have to be overcome. Over the years, the risks of growing OSR have been reduced—and yields increased—both through plant breeding and crop protection improvements. Now, another significant technological advance for OSR: the Clearfield® Production System.
This video provides a closer look at this important innovation. It matches herbicide-tolerant hybrid OSR plants that offer the potential for more yield with sustainable and effective weed control.
If you would like to know more about the Clearfield® Production System please visit