May 14, 2013
BITS, the bio-informatics training and service facility of the Belgian life sciences research institute VIB, has chosen qbase+ as the software to accelerate its qPCR analyses. The qbase+ group license is available for more than ten VIB departments covering over 1000 researchers.
The director of BITS, Herwig Van Marck, cited: “qbase+ will allow us to improve the accuracy of our results and bring our qPCR based research to a higher level. The peer-reviewed software algorithms will help our researcher to annotate and process qPCR data according to international guidelines. To ensure the quality of the data we can rely on the various calculations available in qbase+ for post-PCR quality control, PCR efficiency correction, normalization, inter-run calibration, and statistics. This way, VIB researchers can efficiently analyse, interpret and visualize their data for various types of analysis: mRNA expression analysis, copy number analysis, miRNA profiling, ChIP-qPCR, and many others.”.
While the practical performance of a real-time PCR quantification experiment is relatively straightforward, it is clear that many users experience a genuine need for more in depth training of their data-analysis skills. To accommodate this need, Biogazelle has organized several training sessions for key qPCR users within VIB. Within the framework of the collaboration, VIB can also rely on expert advice from Biogazelle.
About Biogazelle:
Biogazelle is the PCR data analysis and services company, built upon a decade of expertise in real-time PCR experiment design, assay development and data-analysis.
Biogazelle focuses on 4 value propositions. First, facilitating data analysis by providing state-of-the-art qPCR data-analysis software that guides users towards sound and powerful data-analysis. Second, organizing qPCR training and consultancy where specialist knowledge is needed. Third, providing laboratory services for academic and industrial customers (e.g. whole genome microRNA expression profiling and data-analysis). Fourth, assisting customer’s research and development programs.
About VIB:
VIB is a life sciences research institute in Flanders, Belgium. With more than 1200 scientists from over 60 countries, we perform basic research into the molecular foundations of life.
VIB is an excellence-based entrepreneurial institute that focuses on translating basic scientific results into pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial applications. VIB works in close partnership with four universities − UGent, K.U.Leuven, University of Antwerp and Vrije Universiteit Brussel and is funded by the Flemish government. VIB develops and disseminates a wide range of science-based information about all aspects of biotechnology.
About FlandersBio:
FlandersBio supports the release of biotech news, to inform the media about the press releases of its members, active in the sector.
FlandersBio is the umbrella organisation for the Life Sciences sector in Flanders, a dynamic non-profit, fee based organisation with more than 260 members. Our mission is to support and facilitate the sector’s sustained development. Our objective is to ensure that it remains a strong driver of economic growth in the region.
The FlandersBio network brings together companies with innovative, R&D-driven activities in the life sciences – companies that are for example developing biopharmaceuticals, medical technologies or agricultural or industrial biotech products. Our network welcomes also academic research institutes and providers of capital, services and technologies to the life sciences community. By organising networking activities we build bridges between the different actors and by actively stimulating innovation and R&D FlandersBio creates an added value for the sector as a whole. FlandersBio also lobbies with public authorities to ensure a supportive environment for all life sciences actors and we raise the international visibility of the life sciences sector in Flanders.
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